ShareSoc offers a comprehensive range of services for our members. Whether you are new to direct share investment, or an “old hand”, our services will help you to make money and avoid losing it!

Our services include:
News and Information
We provide information via newsletters, via this website and by other means on topics of particular interest to private investors. We aim to keep you up-to-date at all times.
Direct Investment Support
ShareSoc promotes direct investment in the stock market and aims to educate new investors on how to approach it for the first time. Direct investment helps to save costs and is something everyone should consider. ShareSoc provides the basic knowledge you need to start and support as you progress through your investment journey.
We will promote your interests to public bodies and to particular companies so as to ensure that the interests of private shareholders are taken into account. We believe all shareholders should be treated equally with a level playing field for information on companies. We support “Shareholder Action Groups” where appropriate and necessary. ShareSoc frequently represents the interests of individual investors by responding to relevant consultations initiated by government and public bodies on our members behalf. You will find further details of our campaigns and consultations we are or have been involved in on the representation page.
Education and Advice
Every investor, even the most experienced, can always learn more. ShareSoc’s Investor Academy provides the information you need to embark on a successful investment journey. We promote sound investment practice and give advice of a general nature to investors.
ShareSoc offers regular live events, at which you can meet fellow individual investors, company directors and institutional investors. We also provide an electronic forum where our members can exchange views and offer input to ShareSoc’s policies and actions.
Company Reports
We publish many informative reviews of companies, reports on Annual General Meetings and reports on director remuneration that are not available from anywhere else. This can give you unique insights to companies, particularly those that are not widely covered in the financial press.

Join us
To take advantage of our full range of services, please join ShareSoc. We would be delighted welcome you, either as a free associate member or as a subscribing full member. Some of our services are only available to full members.