BHP Billiton Meeting and Other ShareSoc Events

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

ShareSoc has organised a meeting for investors with BHP Billiton Plc on the 29th September at 11.15 am at their London offices. The meeting will consist of a presentation followed by Q&A and then a buffet lunch meeting with BHP Billiton members of staff.

BHP Billiton announced their latest annual results on 16th August and the FT had this to say:

“Writedowns and impairments have dragged BHP Billiton to its biggest annual loss, capping off a troubled year for the Anglo Australian miner that included one of its worst mine accidents. BHP recorded a net loss of $6.4bn after more than $7bn of impairment charges, with the resources group counting the cost of its expansion into US shale oil and gas in 2012. During a torrid 12 months, a BHP joint venture suffered a dam burst in Brazil that killed 19 people. BHP also faced a slide in commodity prices that forced the miner to end its longstanding ambition to maintain or increase its annual dividend.”

But, with commodity prices now more stable is the future looking brighter for the world’s most valuable mining company?

It is ShareSoc’s intention over time to offer our members more meetings with larger companies to complement our regular seminars and suppers for smaller companies. The meeting is free to Full ShareSoc Members and there is a nominal charge for Associate Members and others. Go here for more information and registration:

Other Events: We also have a full programme of meetings with companies lined up for September in London, Brighton and Altrincham (near Manchester). Go here to see the full list of events: Companies presenting include Palace Capital, Empresaria, Avation, HarbourVest, Premaitha Health, Frenkel Topping and Plastics Capital. These are great opportunities to meet with fellow investors and learn about smaller companies so please come along if you have not attended one of them before.

Roger Lawson

  1. ali haouas says:

    i have been obviously receiving you seminars notifications and wondered if it would be possible to ask your host to pay for the refreshments instead of members paying- just an idea- meelos used to be like this at fincap

  2. sharesoc says:

    Subscribing members do not pay to attend any of our meetings!

    The charge for those who are not Full subscribing members is to cover administration (not facilities or food). And to encourage folks to become Full members. We do have to pay staff to organise such events, record registrations and answer queries.
    Roger Lawson

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