London Investor Show Olympia

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

ShareSoc StandShareSoc exhibited at the London Investor Show at Olympia on the 25th October. It proved to be a good show in terms of attracting new members and meeting existing ones even though there is substantial effort in organising and manning a stand. A photograph of the stand is shown to the right – Member Steve Holdsworth assisting at front, Director Chris Spencer-Phillips talking to a visitor.

Incidentally the posters we used on the stand were printed by – a division of Tangent Communications Plc, who offer a web based printing service. That company presented at a recent Mello company presentation meeting and it seemed an opportune chance to try out their service. It was easy to use, was certainly a quick turnaround and low in cost (without doing any exact comparisons with other services). Only one slight hiccup along the way relating to whether “crop marks” were required or not. But the end result was certainly good quality.

I spoke on the subject of Shareholder Engagement – specifically “HOW AND WHY SHAREHOLDERS SHOULD ENGAGE WITH COMPANIES”. Apart from problems with the audio system and too much background noise, it otherwise seemed to go down well. The slides from the presentation are available on the ShareSoc web site here:

There were a number of AIM companies presenting at the show. But with only a 10 minute slot each there was only limited information conveyed, and little or no time for questions.

As with any “trade show”, it was also a good forum for making new business contacts and meeting prospective partners so it was also helpful in that regard. This event probably just needs a bit more attention to the details, but no doubt ordinary visitors would have found it worth attending.

Roger Lawson

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