ShareSoc Masterclass in Manchester

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After our very successful Masterclass events in London and Peterborough, we have now scheduled a similar event in Altrincham (near Manchester) for the 11th June.

Our Masterclasses are designed to offer an entertaining and educational experience for investors. They enable you to learn from proven experts on how to make money in the stock market (or avoid losing it)! Our panel will consist of ISA millionaire Leon Boros, Keith Ashworth-Lord, manager of the ConBrio Sanford DeLand UK Buffettology Fund, Stockopedia CEO Edward Page-Croft and Roger Lawson, an experienced private investor and writer on investment topics.

You will find full details of the event here:

This is a great opportunity to meet ShareSoc Members in the North of England. I will also be giving a brief presentation on ShareSoc’s recent activities and progress on our Shareholder Rights campaign.

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