New podcast on trading and investing

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

Like all the directors of ShareSoc, I am an active investor, and over the past couple of years have learned a lot being part of a chatroom with other investors and traders. We all have different styles and it is fascinating seeing how others approach the business of making money in the markets.

For a few months my chatroom friend Dave and I have toyed with launching a podcast, because we both like talking and are interested in stock market history and theory. So last week we launched the Donald and Dave Tradings podcast. We are aiming to produce about a 30-35 minute episode each week, discussing things that have happened in the market, trades we have placed and why, and tackling an important question: this week we looked at when to sell a share, a topic that I am sure we will revisit as we could have spoken much longer.

We have very different approaches to investing: Dave relies much more on charts and tends to prefer US stocks, whereas I will take a more fundamental approach and am willing to hold stocks for a longer period of time. I am also focused almost exclusively on UK companies, often smaller caps.

The aim of the podcast isn’t to tip stocks but to highlight our thought processes and the sort of questions we ask ourselves before making investment or trading decisions. It is emphatically not investment advice!

The podcast is available through the Apple Podcasts App, Amazon Audible and Buzzsprout. I hope you find it interesting and if so, do subscribe so you never miss an edition.

Online I generally use the pseudonym Donald Pond. The reason for that is simple: I am a director of a FTSE 250 company, and nothing that I say online has any relationship to my role in that company. In this day and age, it is simply easier to keep my investing and professional personas as separate identities.

Paul de Gruchy – ShareSoc Director

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