Portfolio Review 2024 – Cliff Weight

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  Key points  Portfolio up 11.5%.   Benchmark performance: UK (FTSE100) +9.7%, but risk adjusted global benchmark (based on my 88%/12% equity/cash allocation) +18.6%.   Relative performance reflects conservative strategy of preservation of wealth, home country bias and AIM bias.  Portfolio allocation  30% index trackers, 33% direct shares, 19% funds and Investment Trusts, 12% cash/bonds, 2% VCTs.    […]

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  1. Amin Mohammed says:


    This was interesting to read. I will limit myself to one comment.

    I think you should choose one benchmark, and then stick to it. The quote below indicates that you are trying to use two benchmarks, which makes no sense to me.

    “Benchmark performance: UK (FTSE100) +9.7%, but risk adjusted global benchmark (based on my 88%/12% equity/cash allocation) +18.6%.”

    • Cliff Weight says:

      Thank you, Amin. I now use the benchmark recommended by Y-Tree, the risk adjusted global benchmark reflecting my mix of equities and bonds. The reason is (that Y-Tree argue that) taking on any other market or sector weighting sub-optimises.

      I will continue to look at other benchmarks, but realise that looking at the FTSE100 is a bit like driving up the M1 only look in at your rear view mirror!☺️

  2. Jez Dyer says:

    Thanks for taking the time to share a comprehensive review of your year with us.

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