Portfolio Review 2021 – Mark Bentley

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This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Introduction Following on from my review in 2020, I have now conducted a similar exercise for 2021. See last year’s article for an explanation of my investment objectives, strategy, “asset types” and investment accounts. 2021 was “a year of two halves” […]

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  1. Kevin Sayers says:

    Wow Mark, that must have taken some time to write, but fantastically informative and some great learnings for me. Thanks so much for undertaking this mammoth task – I am sure I will be back to reread it a number of times as there is a lot to take in.

  2. Amin Mohammed says:

    Very informative article.

  3. Roger Lawson says:

    A slightly better overall performance than mine but we both did well out of property companies. See my summary here: https://roliscon.blog/2022/01/03/year-end-review-of-2021/

  4. Chris Spencer-Phillips says:

    Hi Mark, fascinating account of your 2021 share dealings and a thoroughly worthwhile read for those getting started in investing in the stock market – well done!

  5. Mark Bentley says:

    Just as a footnote, as I foreshadowed above, Pan African (PAF) did indeed rebound by 6.6% today, closing at the day’s high.

  6. John Foley says:

    Thanks for a very informative post. As Kevin states it must have taken a long time to write but the positive aspect is that it helped to clarify your thoughts.
    Many thanks

  7. John Brocklebank says:

    Thanks Mark a very useful report and well done achieving a good return

  8. Graham Bagnall says:

    That is a highly impressive review.Like you,I feel cryptocurrency is for speculators not investors,and like you I held quite a few gold shares (including Pan African,but whilst they sparkled in 2020 that was not the case in 2021. However,inflation at 5pct plus,and long yields at a little over 1pct,plus sideways or downward movement in equities this year,makes me feel that gold shares should come good.

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