In Memory of John Lander

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Today I learnt the sad news that John Lander has passed away.

John Lander founded the SIGnet (Serious Investor Group Network) organisation over 20 years ago and ran it, more or less single handed for most of that period. You can see a video from John describing the origins and purpose of SIGnet on the organisation’s home page:

I am writing this piece to express my admiration for what he achieved, though I never met him. The SIGnet group concept provides an excellent forum for investors to discuss matters of mutual interest and learn from invited experts that may attend the groups. Having become a member of the Leicester Square SIGnet group myself and enjoyed attending, I can attest to the value of this concept.

Due to ill-health John was forced to hand the SIGnet reins over to Ray Williams, supported by Wendy Lanham a little while ago, who have been doing an admirable job of continuing his legacy. Ray and Wendy, however, have found that running the organisation effectively is a major task, and would welcome the support of the systems, administrative processes and staff/contractor resources that ShareSoc can offer. Therefore, we are currently discussing how ShareSoc can support SIGnet’s mission, which would also mean that we could offer the facility of the SIGnet groups to our membership.

I look forward to helping Ray and Wendy to continue, enhance and expand upon John’s legacy.

I wish my sincere condolences to John’s family.

Mark Bentley, Director, ShareSoc

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