Woodford – What Happens Next? 30 September 2021 – 5pm-6:30pm

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

Woodford Investors are flocking to ShareSoc’s What Happens Next event (30/09/21 at 5pm), headlined by Jeff Prestridge, Personal Finance editor of the Mail on Sunday. Tell your friends and family if they invested in a Woodford fund that they need to join them.

Click here to register for the Event




It’s time to update Woodford investors and ShareSoc Campaign members on progress to date. As well as update you on the prospects of you claiming back some of the losses and the potential timeline of when you might get your money back. We are sharing this update at a webinar on 30 September. 

  • Jeff Prestridge, the Personal Finance Editor, The Mail on Sunday: is the keynote speaker, and we are delighted that this champion of Woodford Investors has agreed to speak to you
  • Alan Miller, co-founder with Gina Miller of the True and Fair Campaign: who has been actively campaigning for Woodford Investors and has been highly voluble about what went wrong and what needs to change..
  • ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight: provides an overview and an update on the 4 competing Legal claims.
  • Boz Michalowska the lead partner at Leigh Day: progress and next steps at the Leigh day end.

Register now for this valuable and important session. I hope you will be able to attend. Please pass on this invitation to any family, friends and others who have suffered losses due to the Woodford saga.

Full event details and agenda

Click here to register


Questions & answers

Is this webinar a repeat of the one earlier this year?
No. This webinar is all-new, with a different future and action focused agenda (see above)

The first webinar covered the history of the debacle and the situation at that time. Including an excellent explanation of What Went Wrong by Ed Croft, CEO of Stockopedia. A recording is available here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJkfyOGF5v0

Who is this webinar for?
It’s aimed at Woodford Investors, who…

  • Have yet to join the ShareSoc Woodford Campaign
  • Have yet to join a Legal claim or are trying to decide which legal claim to join
  • Are existing Campaign members
  • Are existing Leigh Day claimants?”

The many thousands of Legal claimants and Campaign members deserve an update on what is happening. And those who have yet to decide to join the Leigh Day claim will be helped to understand that it’s a no-lose option.

The legal claim are purely focused on redress (i.e. compensation) – the ShareSoc campaign has additional goals of holding people to account and changing regulation to stop it happening again.

The more people join the ShareSoc campaign, the more clout we will be able to wield in persuading the regulator and government to make changes to make sure this does not happen again.

“Are we trying to persuade people to do anything?”
The webinar also provides an opportunity for those not familiar with ShareSoc and Leigh Day to learn more about our Woodford Campaign and Leigh Day’s Legal Claim. ShareSoc chose to endorse this claim above others (see here for rationale)

ShareSoc believe it is essential for all the 300,000 potential Woodford claimants to register with any of the claims where there is a proper no-win-no-fee arrangement. And in this webinar we will provide an overview of the various claims.

To highlight the opportunity for those of the 10,000 plus who registered with other legal firms (other than Leigh Day) that they can convert to Leigh Day’s claim if they have not already signed a contract with another firm, if they so choose and it is appropriate for their circumstances.

Cliff Weight and Amit Vedhara, ShareSoc Directors and Woodford Campaign Leaders.

One comment
  1. Andrew Edwards says:

    Hi, is the webinar recording available please?

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