Systems Go to Serve You Better!

Thanks to the generous donations received, we now have sufficient funds to start work on the next phase of ShareSoc’s IT upgrade project. Special “thank you”s go to Leon Boros and to Ideagen Plc, who have both made major contributions to the project. I’d also like to thank all the other contributors of smaller donations.

To proceed  with later project phases delivering more useful features for members, we will however, need to raise substantially more so, if you’d like to help, we would warmly welcome your donation here: You can also find further details about the project by clicking the link towards the bottom of that page.

So, I’m raring to go with the next phase of the project, which will involve the professional design and creation of a modern, mobile-friendly, website. The objective is to make our content much more attractive, accessible and maintainable. I’m still looking for volunteers to beta test the new site, so if you’d like a “sneak peek” before the new site goes public, please drop me a line at .

Mark Bentley