VCT Investor Workshop Report

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The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc.

Today (1st December) I attended a VCT Investor Workshop on-line run by the British Smaller Companies VCTs (BSV and BSC). These are two of the better performing generalist VCTs managed by YFM. It was a disappointing event.

There were presentations from investee companies Unbiased and SharpCloud which gave a general overview of the businesses but no financial information – such as sales, profits and what the VCT’s valuation is based upon. In other words, the key information about a business that any investor needs.

As I got the impression from other VCT managers that a year or two back the valuations of new deals were rising to levels that might reduce future returns I asked this simple question: “Are you paying less for new investments as I get the impression the market had become over-heated?”

The question was not answered. In fact few questions were answered, perhaps because the time allotted was minimal – perhaps 10 minutes which turned into 5 minutes in reality as other sessions overran.

I really don’t see the point of running events when not enough time is allowed for questions and key issues are ignored.

Roger Lawson (Twitter:  )

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