AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

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TR Property (TRY) AGM Report 2016

TR Property Plc (TRY) held its Annual General Meeting at 2.00 pm yesterday, at the RAC Club in Pall Mall. Last year it was at 11.00 followed by a...

National Grid (NG.) AGM Report 2016

National Grid Plc (NG.) held its Annual General Meeting at the ICC in Birmingham at 11.30 am on the 25th July. There were a few hundred shareholders present. There is a video recording of the meeting which you can obtain from this web page: . Therefore I won't give a detailed report. Rather I will summarise the key points and make some comments. First some background: National Grid runs gas and electricity distribution networks in the UK, and similar regulated businesses ...

British Land (BLND) AGM Report 2016

British Land Plc, one of the largest UK commercial property companies, held its Annual General Meeting at the Montcalm Hotel in the West End of London at 11.00 am on the 19th July. A suitable venue and time. I would estimate about 100 shareholders were present on one of the hottest days of any year. First a bit of background. British Land is a FTSE-100 company REIT with assets of £9,619 million. It's a favourite of retired investors who appreciate its high ...

Oxford Technology VCTs (OXT) AGM Report 2016

The 2016 Oxford VCT AGMs were held at the end of last week (Friday 8th July) at the Oxford Technology VCT offices, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA. The write ups for the four previous Oxford Tech AGMs can be found here: 2015: 2014: 2013: 2012: At this year’s AGM there were probably around 25 ordinary shareholders present (about the same as last year). The meeting commenced at 11.00 starting off with a brief review from the Manager, this was ...

Perpetual Income & Growth Investment Trust Plc (PLI) AGM report 2016

Yesterday I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Perpetual Income & Growth Investment Trust at the trusts offices in Henley-on-Thames, commencing at 11.00am. This trust’s investment objective is to provide shareholders with capital appreciation and real growth in dividends over the medium to longer term. A large percentage by value of the portfolio is invested in FTSE 100 companies, with the rest mostly in the FTSE 250. The trusts performance for the year ending 31st March 2016 was flat but this ...

NewRiver Retail (NRR) AGM Report 2016

I attended the Annual General Meeting of NewRiver Retail today in the City of London, commencing at 10.30 am. This company is a commercial property REIT, which as its name suggests specialises in retail shops and convenience stores in the UK. There were three ordinary shareholders in attendance, which is three times the number last year when my son was the only person to do so. On the morning of the AGM the company issued a trading statement which was generally positive. Retail ...

Crawshaw Group (CRAW) AGM Report 2016)

Just returned from today’s Crawshaw Group AGM which was very well attended and all seating was taken. Everyone was there except the newly appointed NED. AGM Statement. Richard went through the votes and special resolutions, interestingly somebody questioned the final special resolution to ratify and confirm the 2015 dividends which turned out to be something to do with moving money from the subsidiary company into the wrong account. I asked about the impact of the out vote on our business and the general view was ...

CentralNic (CNIC) AGM Report 2016

Well it's another day and despite the market falling and England losing to Iceland last night, I remain optimistic as always. I expected the market to fall again today as a result of the damage to morale of the football result but it's actually bounced back a bit. The price of CNIC does not seem to have moved much though during the recent turmoil, perhaps because there appears to be very little trading in the stock. I suspect few private investors ...

Verona Pharma (VRP) AGM 2016

I attended the Verona Pharma AGM on Monday (June 27th) which was held at the offices of Shakespeare Martineau LLP, 5th Floor, One America Square, Crosswall, London EC3N 2SG. For anyone who is unfamiliar with the company, Verona Pharma (VRP) are an AIM listed UK based biotech focused on developing new treatments for COPD, Asthma and other respiratory diseases. Their current market cap is around £32M and they have just one compound (RPL554) in their portfolio which is being developed primarily for ...

Science in Sport (SIS) AGM 2016

The meeting was held at SIS HQ in Hatton Garden, at 10am. Unsurprisingly, a fairly small office accommodating around 20 people. Nothing fancy, functional - a plus for me. Initially, I was joined by just two directors: Stephen (SM) & Raymond (RD), a Cenkos rep. and the registrar. RD conveyed apologies from the chairman who, apparently, was otherwise engaged in New Zealand. Unfortunately, things didn't get off to a good start (though they improved later, as you will see). There were only ...