AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

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Globo (GBO) AGM Report 2014

Globo held their Annual General Meeting in the City of London on the 19th June 2014. To give you some background on the company, Globo has been listed on AIM for some years. It has two main product streams - CitronGO! and GO!Social that provide services to feature phone users (45% of revenue) and GO!Enterprise and related products that support mobile applications (particularly the BYOD - Bring Your Own Device) concept (55% of revenue). The latter is the more rapidly growing ...

Lidco (LID) AGM report June 2014

Lidco sell hemodynamic monitoring equipment to hospitals, typically for post-operative care. They held their Annual General Meeting at the offices of Finncap in the City of London on the 11th June - a particularly hot day that might have reduced the attendance. There were only a few ordinary shareholders present. On the morning of the AGM the company issued an announcement. As it commented, the Annual Report is the first that reports a profit before tax with real cash generation. It also ...

Nighthawk Energy (HAWK) AGM 2014

I attended Nighthawk’s AGM on 2nd June, held at the offices of their PR adviser, FTI Consulting. Background Nighthawk’s situation is an interesting one. It is an oil E&P company which went through an initial period when its management achieved little, apart from building a substantial land position, mainly in Colorado, and spending a lot of shareholders’ funds on exploration, which resulted in negligible production. There was then a change of management, and I reported on the new management at the first AGM since their appointment here: I ...

Judges Scientific (JDG) AGM report May 2014

Judges Scientific held their Annual General Meeting in central London on the 28th May. This company has grown primarily by acquisition in the last few years, mainly by taking over companies operating in the scientific instrument field where the existing owners were looking to retire. In the last 5 years revenue has grown from £7m per annum to £36m. The earnings picture is somewhat confused though because of the presence of large numbers of convertible shares in the past - when ...

Kings Arms Yard VCT (KAY) AGM Report 2014

Kings Arms Yard VCT (KAY) is a Venture Capital Trust with a very chequered history. Originally the Quester VCTs formed the basis of the company - some of which had truly appalling performance as a result of investing in highly priced concept stocks in the last boom. Spark then took over the fund management so they were renamed Spark VCTs, but performance did not improve. A new Chairman was then appointed (Robin Field who is still Chairman) after further shareholder ...

PV Crystallox Solar (PVCS) AGM Report 2014

PV Crystallox Solar (PVCS) has had a difficult few years because of the decline in the prices of solar chips, mainly because of over production in China. Although the company had strong cash balances it has had to significantly restructure and downsize of late because solar wafer manufacturers simply could not sell their products at a profits (the cost of the raw materials and production exceeded what they could sell their products for in the global market place, ignoring the overhead ...

Renew Holdings management (RNWH) AGM 2014

Lunchtime meeting with Renew Holdings management. Several ShareSoc members and I attended a meeting with Renew management this lunchtime, to review their interims announcement released this morning. Some brief notes on the meeting: Visibility of forward revenues is excellent based on the current order backlog. No account is taken of new work that may be won in the second half. Whilst some investors are concerned about negative working capital, management confirmed that is this standard in the construction industry, as advance ...

French Connection (FCCN) AGM 2014

I attended the French Connection AGM on Thursday 15th May. Among ordinary shareholders, seemed it was just me and just one other. But there was a few PR types and a chap from the Daily Mail present and possible a broker or two. Quite a few staff members present as well, to ensure the necessary hands went up with the resolutions. An odd-ish AGM, where founder and major shareholder Stephen Marks (SM) -- looking nicely tanned and wearing a t-shirt and jeans -- ...

Baronsmead VCT 3 (BMD) AGM Report 2014

The Annual General Meeting of Baronsmead VCT 3 (BMD) was held on the 14th April 2014, commencing at 10.30 am. This company is one of the better performing and well managed VCTs, being one of a long established stable of VCTs managed by ISIS. Let's cover the good things first. Total return (net assets plus dividends) over the thirteen years since the company was founded is 6.1% per annum. Net asset value per share increased by 12.9% last year, partly due to improvement in the AIM ...

Kentz (KENZ) AGM Report 2014

Today I attended the Kentz AGM in central London at the rather early time of 9.00am. All the directors were present but, as far as I could see, only 3 shareholders had managed to make it, although one of which was Sharesoc’s very own Mark Bentley. We started with Chairman Tan Sri Razali Abdul Rahman reading a short prepared speech laying out how the meeting would take place, mostly involving the change of voting to a poll as opposed to a show ...