AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

You will find summaries of our AGM reports on this page. You can also search for reports on a specific company, using our “Research” feature. Only full members of ShareSoc can view the full details of our AGM reports and need to login to do so. If you wish to gain access, click here to become a full member, for less than 90p/week and gain full access to our library of hundreds of AGM reports, as well as other member benefits.

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Unilever (ULVR) AGM Report 2014

This group had, as usual two AGMs in one day, the 14th May. The first was in the Netherlands for Unilever N.V., the second in London at 3 pm for Unilever plc, the board transferring from Holland by air to attend the second meeting. This arrangement more or less works, with some residual directors visible by video from Holland. We had fourteen in the room and five on the link. The venue was the Mermaid Conference Centre in Puddle Dock, a few ...

GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) AGM Report 2014

On Wednesday the 7th of May I attended the Annual General Meeting of GlaxoSmithKline Plc at the QEII Conference Centre, London at 2.30pm. The meeting was well attended with well over 1000 shareholders present, more than GSK originally anticipated as more chairs were called for as the room quickly filled up. Results were in line with expectations at £26.5bn turnover and £8bn core operating profit. After quickly perusing the 251 page report (then putting it on the floor, due the weight of ...

Rightmove (RMV) AGM Report 2014

I attended the Annual General Meeting of Rightmove Plc (RMV) today, held at the offices of UBS in the City of London. The time was set for 10.00, which may explain why only one other ordinary shareholder turned up (who did not ask any questions), but the directors were late from their board meeting held prior which explains why we did not start until 10 minutes past the hour. I did advise the Chairman later that he might get more attendees ...

Pearson (PSON) AGM Report 2014

The media reports of Pearson’s AGM, on Friday April 25th, , focussed on the predictable shareholder protest against the £1.15m leaving package for Rona Fairhead, the former chief executive of Pearson’s Financial Times Group, who quit after missing out on the top job. As shareholder protests go, the third of the votes cast against approving Pearson’s 2013 remuneration report, was high by comparison with other shareholder revolts, such as Barclays, which have hit the headlines recently. But the fact that the pay ...

SpaceandPeople (SAL) AGM Report 2014

Whole Board. c25 attendees, probably 15 shareholders. Lasted over two hours ! Formal business 5 minutes. Interrupted only by a question when re-election of Matthew Bending to be voted. “Are you still committed ?”. This elicited a strong, almost emotional response: I have no pension, I have children, I have no Plan B. I am totally committed”. MB then proceeded (very confidently, wandering around the front of the stage) running through each division setting out the combination of events that had brought them ...

Report on AstraZeneca (AZN) AGM 2014

Introduction As a shareholder I am pleased to observe that the company appears to have advanced considerably since the last AGM, in line with the strategy explained at the time by the then newly appointed CEO, Pascal Soriot (PS). The market perceived the company as having severe problems due to a “cliff” of patent expiries, impacting future revenues and profits. Astra’s pipeline of new products, to replace revenues & profits from products with expiring patents, was perceived as weak. As disclosed in the annual report and in the ...

Persimmon (PSN) AGM Report 2014

David Blundell, a director of Sharesoc, attended the meeting as a proxy for a ShareSoc member and as a shareholder in his own right. York Racecourse is a first class venue with excellent views over the Knavesmire and Racecourse. It has ample parking facilities and is easily accessible by road and rail. The Persimmon chairman, Nicholas Wrigley, gave an extremely positive presentation in respect of past results, the acceleration of the Long Term Capital Return Plan and the outlook for the ...

Elementis (ELM) AGM Report 2014

Today I attended the AGM of Elementis Plc at the Royal Institution in the West End of London. A good venue and at the convenient time of 11.00 am. It was a less exciting meeting than last year. At that event the Chairman gave an appallingly bad performance of handling the meeting and dealing with shareholders questions. I spoke to one of the directors after the meeting and suggested they get a new Chairman. That they have done, so Ian Brindle ... Group PLC (MONY) AGM Report 2014

Yesterday I attended the seventh Annual General Meeting of Group PLC at the Grosvenor Hotel, Chester. For those that don’t know, the group helps consumers save money on their household bills and holidays by comparing various products and allowing the consumer to choose the best deal for them. I left my base in Kent at 5am to be sure to make the 11am start time in Chester, hoping I would miss the traffic given my early start time, but it wasn’t ...

THE BP (BP.) AGM Report 2014

As always BP’s AGM is both the first and one of the biggest of the season, and took place at the ExCel Centre on Thursday 10th April. The large hall was well filled. The meeting started on time at 11:30 am and finished at about 2 pm. Opening remarks from the chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg and the CEO Bob Dudley gave a positive view of the company and they started taking questions in the order of items on the voting paper, which had ...