AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

You will find summaries of our AGM reports on this page. You can also search for reports on a specific company, using our “Research” feature. Only full members of ShareSoc can view the full details of our AGM reports and need to login to do so. If you wish to gain access, click here to become a full member, for less than 90p/week and gain full access to our library of hundreds of AGM reports, as well as other member benefits.

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Brewin Dolphin (BRW) AGM Report 2012 – A Last Supper (plus one).

The Annual General Meeting of Brewin Dolphin took place in Merchant Taylor’s Hall in the City of London on the 24th February. Brewin Dolphin are a traditional stockbroker with many private clients, and can actually date their history back to 1762 (I have to admit to being a client of theirs). In recent years they have expanded by acquiring regional stockbrokers typically via share issuance. As a result, and because of generous share option schemes, they have a large number of ...

Media Corporation (MDC) AGM Report 2012

I attended the Annual General Meeting of Media Corporation Plc in London on the 16th February. I have only a nominal holding in the company which I obtained solely so I could attend the AGM as I have been following this company and its problems for some time (it has been reported on in past editions of the ShareSoc Informer Newsletter). ShareSoc has been giving some informal advice to some of the shareholders who have been concerned about past events, and ...

Downing Income VCT3 (DIVO) General Meeting Report 2012

Yesterday there was a General Meeting of Downing Income VCT3 – what used to be called an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) but technically there is no longer any such thing – there are only General Meetings. This was called to approve the issue of new shares (in effect to create a new “E” share investment pool), with all the associated changes to the Articles that are required. Bearing in mind that this company has been a very disappointing investment over the years ...

Baronsmead VCT 1(BVT) and VCT 2 (BMD) AGM Reports 2012

On the 11th January I attended the AGMs of Baronsmead VCT and Baronsmead VCT 2 which were held one after the other (with lunch intervening) at the London Stock Exchange building (one now has to enter via the back entrance to avoid the on-going “demonstration” outside St. Pauls). It makes sense to combine these meetings to some extent because they have overlapping investments, overlapping shareholders and the same investment manager (ISIS). These companies have been two of the more successful Venture Capital Trusts ...

Conygar (CIC) AGM Report 2012

I attended the Annual General Meeting of Conygar in London on the 5th January 2012. The reason for attending was that ShareSoc issued a press release on the issue of remuneration at this company the day before which was entitled “A good example of what is wrong with remuneration in public companies” – see . It’s worth stating that I do not have a significant shareholding in this company, not generally being a fan of small property companies and certainly ...

Bowleven (BLVN) AGM Report 2011

Introduction Please note that this report is my personal record of the meeting and may contain inaccuracies or misunderstandings. In general notes were not taken verbatim. Opinions expressed are entirely my own and I have attempted to distinguish opinion from fact. If any readers of this report observe any inaccuracies or believe there are errors or misapprehensions, please bring them to my attention and I will gladly correct them. I do use commonly understood oil industry jargon throughout my detailed report. Should ...

Northern Venture Trust (NVT) AGM Report 2011

Northern Venture Trust is one of the few Venture Capital Trusts without “VCT” in its name. It’s also one of the few that has been producing very good returns for shareholders and where, as a result, there is a sufficient demand in the “secondary” market for the shares that the company does not have to resort to continual buy-backs to manage the discount to NAV. Indeed they did no buy-backs in the last year. I attended their AGM at the IOD in ...

DotDigital (DOTD) AGM Report 2011

Today I attended the Annual General Meeting of dotDigital Group Plc (yes one of those annoying companies that has a lower case start to their name, so the holding sorts to an unexpected position in a portfolio list). The company operates in the web/media sector and mainly provides marketing communication services. Revenue was £9m last year, and it is profitable and debt free. The AGM was held at their offices in London (near the Globe theatre) at 11.00 am. I was ...

STARVEST (SVE) AGM Report 2011

I found it a pleasure to go to the Starvest AGM held in the rather nice St Stephen’s Club in Queen Anne Gate SW1. Starvest, a small company with a market capitalization of £4.77m, exists to research start-up mining companies and to buy and trade their shares if appropriate. At present it has investments in some twenty-eight companies, of which thirteen represent 87% of the value. Shares, which may be quite illiquid, are normally held for a number of years until ...

Crown Place VCT (CRWN) AGM Report 2011

Today I attended the Annual General Meeting of Crown Place VCT in London. This company was formed by the merger of two of the former Murray VCTs originally managed by Murray Johnstone and was renamed after Albion took over the management in 2005. Before that they had a pretty dismal performance over some years with the result that the board decided eventually to change the fund manager after some encouragement. At that point a three-cornered fight took place between the company ...