
ShareSoc Blog

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

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Charles Stanley Direct Raise Charges

Charles Stanley Direct, one of the more popular execution only on-line trading platforms for retail investors, have announced they are revising their charges. This follows on from a similar announcement by AJ Bell Youinvest a few weeks ago. For share dealing, the transaction charge will rise from £10 to £11.50. In addition there will be a "platform" charge of 0.25% per annum on the value of the portfolio holdings, charged monthly although these will be capped at £240 per annum. In addition, ...

Pay and the Attitude of Institutional Investors

An article in the Financial Times on Friday (30/9/2016) focussed on the resistance of business to Theresa May's "responsible capitalism". Although the article acknowledged the need for change, for example in the area of director remuneration. Lots of practical problems were raised - for example how to select suitable worker representatives for boards in international companies. But the really revealing comment was this one from Paul Lee, Head of Corporate Governance at Aberdeen Asset Management. He was quoted as saying: "If ...

Foresight 4 VCT AGM Result

At the Annual General Meeting of Foresight 4 VCT today, all three board directors only very narrowly managed to get re-elected – with 50.01% voting FOR Chairman Philip Stephens,...

FCA Consultation on MiFID II

On 29th September the FCA launched a third consultation paper on the MiFID II directive. Now, this may appear to be a very dry subject, of little significance to individual...

Asian Citrus Shares Suspended

Asian Citrus (ACHL) is one of those Chinese AIM companies that you have heard so much about - for example in the BBC Radio Programme reported on in my last blog post. The revenue has been falling and the losses rising at Asian Citrus but any investors still holding the stock are going to have a very bitter taste in their mouth after the latest announcement. Today (29/9/2016) the company announced that it could not issue its Annual Accounts on time and ...

AIM – Is Enough Being Done to Protect Investors?

Last night (27/9/2016) BBC Radio covered the topic of the AIM market and asked whether enough was being done to protect investors. See File on Four . Here's a brief summary of the contents with some comments. The BBC visited Hotel Chocolat, a recent AIM listing, and spoke to Angus Thirlwell, the CEO. He indicated they wanted "light touch regulation" so as to avoid a lot of paperwork and said it was one of the attractions of AIM. Comment: it seems ...

BBC Radio Programme on AIM

Are British investors being ripped off by unscrupulous businesses exploiting the AIM market? This is one of the questions being tackled on the BBC tomorrow night (27/9/2016) in a File on Four radio programme - BBC R4 at 8.00 pm - see It should make for interesting listening. It certainly came up as a topic of conversation in our meeting with LSE management today where we discussed the problems of AIM. More on that later and I hope to write a report ...

Foresight 4 VCT Update

ShareSoc wrote to shareholders in Foresight 4 VCT (FTF) in advance of the AGM on the 30th September. We suggested shareholders vote against the re-election of the directors. For...

ShareSoc Events – Altrincham, Richmond and Brighton

This is a final reminder that we have a company seminar in Altrincham (near Manchester) next week (Tuesday the 27th September) with four interesting smaller companies presenting. These are:...

Autumn Mists, and Profit Warnings

Autumn, the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness to quote Keats, or in the case of small cap stocks the season for profit warnings it seems. As many companies have a December year end, this is the time of year when management come to realise that given the first half figures and current trading, they are not going to meet the optimistic plans they gave out at the start of the year. Here's just a few that have issued warnings or where ...
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