
ShareSoc Blog

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

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Recording of ShareSoc’s Webinar with Ergomed

This is the recording of ShareSoc’s Webinar with Ergomed, which took place on 6th October 2020.

LeaderUltimate Products (UPGS): Showing the Way in Shareholder Engagement

I was delighted to receive an invitation via research house, Equity Development, this afternoon to attend two events organised by LSE listed UPGS. Firstly, a presentation of their annual results on 3rd November, with an opportunity to ask questions and then a virtual showroom tour on 1st December. Too many listed and quoted companies restrict their results presentations to analysts and institutional shareholders, so it is good to see UPGS setting a good example and extending an invitation to all current and prospective ...

Progress For SVS Clients

Since our last report on the situation for clients of failed broker SVS Securities, I am pleased to report that there have been significant positive developments. Firstly, ITI Capital has been in contact with ShareSoc and appears willing to work with us to ensure a satisfactory resolution for former clients of SVS. This is a very positive development. According to this news report the FCA has been monitoring the situation too. It is good to hear that the FCA has been fulfilling ...

Stamp Duty review: ShareSoc-UKSA submit joint response to HMRC

A ShareSoc News Item written by Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Policy Director. We have today, 13 Oct 2020, submitted this response to HMRC. Our response is limited to Stamp Duty on shares and OEICS (unit trusts). Our analysis is that: The original rationale for stamp duty (cost of wax seal etc) is not just of historical interest. In this age of electronic transactions, these costs are no longer incurred and there is therefore the original justification for the charge is no longer valid. Stamp Duty ...

Capital Gains Tax review: ShareSoc-UKSA submit joint response to Office of Tax Simplification

A ShareSoc News Item written by Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Policy Director. We have today, 12 Oct 2020, submitted this response to the OTS, CGT-call for Evidence.  Our response is limited to CGT on shares and OEICS (unit trusts). Our analysis is that: CGT is complex. CGT needs to be simplified. CGT is unfair to individual investors in shares versus collectives. CGT inhibits effective risk management. We want to make CGT: Fairer Easier to work out Easier to administer Easier to collect. In detail, we have 3 ...

New podcast on trading and investing

Like all the directors of ShareSoc, I am an active investor, and over the past couple of years have learned a lot being part of a chatroom with other investors and traders. We all have different styles and it is fascinating seeing how others approach the business of making money in the markets. For a few months my chatroom friend Dave and I have toyed with launching a podcast, because we both like talking and are interested in stock market history and ...

FRC new report on AGMs and best practices

A ShareSoc News article written by Cliff Weight, Director This is an excellent report. The FRC appear to have taken on board many of the points we raised. I particularly liked the recommendations that investors provide their email address to the company/registrar to facilitate communication; and the description of the purpose of the AGM- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an essential governance event for companies and their shareholders. It should provide transparency, accountability and integrity, to company governance and decision-making. It is ...

Laggard Supermarket REIT: Show of Hands Vote at Closed Meeting

Whilst being a good company in most respects, it is a shame that Supermarket REIT (SUPR) has blotted its copybook with an undemocratic general meeting. A general meeting was held today (5th October), to approve the issue of shares in order to expand the REIT. The notice of meeting says: However, you are reminded that in light of social distancing measures imposed by the UK government as a result of the current COVID-19 Pandemic, any member seeking to attend the meeting in person ...

Share Centre Future and FT Spoofing Article 

The Share Centre recently advised their customers of “Our Future with Interactive Investor”. It gave details of the transfer of accounts to the Interactive Investor platform following the acquisition of the Share Centre business. However they failed to point out one important point which customers need to be aware of. Share Centre ISAs are “Flexi ISAs”. This means that you can take cash out of the ISA and put it back in so long as you do it in the same tax ...

Avingtrans Preliminary Results Call 2020

Yesterday, 1st October, I participated in Avingtrans' results call. The call was based on the results presentation, here: A research note from finnCap, containing forecasts is freely available here: (subject to registration). I have held Avingtrans shares since 2006, so know the management team and story very well (which has evolved over time). I consider them to be competent and honest. In the call they described the company as a "mini-Melrose", i.e. operating a buy and build strategy in the ...
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