
Shareholder Rights Campaign

    Guaranteed Rights for Shareholders   In October 2014 ShareSoc launched a campaign to give full rights to ALL shareholders. This campaign is ongoing. Index Latest Update Background & campaign details Our petition Write to your MP Financial Support Previous campaign updates Latest Update Update 18th March 2024 ShareSoc has published a position paper and sent copies to Sir Douglas Flint’s Digitisation Taskforce, HM Treasury and Department for Business and Trade. Update 8th November 2023 Sir Douglas Flint's Digitisation Taskforce released its interim report on 10th July 2023. In a ...

Woodford Campaign

Update 25th November 2024 Click here to read Update 17 in full. ShareSoc Endorses the RGL Woodford Group Litigation against Hargreaves Lansdown This update examines the RGL Woodford Group Litigation and sets out the reasons for ShareSoc’s endorsement. ShareSoc believes that the potential benefits of the RGL Woodford Group Litigation against Hargreaves Lansdown outweigh the identified risks for the vast majority of claimants, and that it is in the interest of affected investors to participate. On this basis, ShareSoc has chosen to endorse the claim. The ...

Hartley Pensions Client Support Group

ShareSoc has established this group to support clients of Hartley Pensions who are experiencing difficulties in recovering their SIPPs. If you would like our support, or to help other Hartley clients, please join this Support Group. Objectives The objectives of this group are: To provide assistance to former Hartley Pensions clients who are experiencing difficulties To liaise with the FCA to try to prevent similar issues arising in future Background Hartley Pensions is a manager of SIPP and SASS pension schemes, with over 16,000 clients. ...

Campaign To Improve The AIM Market

This campaign is aimed at improving the quality of the companies listed on the AIM market managed by the London Stock Exchange and reforming some of its operations so that investors are less likely to lose money as a result of investing in AIM companies. How the AIM Market Should be Improved This campaign was launched with a press release in June 2016 (although the problems of the AIM market have been long-standing). It said the following: The AIM market, which is run by ...

Remuneration – Why And How Directors’ Pay Should Be Improved

Directors’ pay is too high in many cases and needs to be reduced. High pay is looking increasingly like it is politically unacceptable and this may lead to a backlash of business regulation that will be detrimental to investors. This campaign is aimed at improving the quality of remuneration arrangements of the companies listed on the Main London stock market, and the AIM market managed by the London Stock Exchange, so that: i. investors are less likely to lose money as a result of investing ...

VCT Investors Group

  Update on latest news - Report on 23 March 2021 Webinar - click here - 16 March 2021 - Ventus and Ventus 2 VCT  UPDATE - click here - Report on 26 Feb 2020 meeting and action plan  click here Purpose The Purpose of the Group is to improve the returns of investors in VCTs. Goals To provide guidelines of what Group members think is best practice, e.g. management fees, performance fees, directors’ tenure and independence. To provide advice for investors on specific VCTs, by Identifying ...

Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) Shareholder Committee Campaign

ShareSoc and UKSA have now paused this campaign because RBS are now engaging better with shareholders and have announced a programme of 4 events a year specifically focussed on engagement with individual shareholders. You can find further details here: RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign – Update 17 ShareSoc has advocated the implementation of Shareholder Committees since our inception in 2011. Recently this initiative has received support in the form of the Government's November 2016 Green Paper on Corporate Governance, and in the form of ...

ShareSoc Sirius Shareholders’ Group (SSSG)

Latest News Campaign Closed - 14/11/2023 Campaign members will be aware that there has been little reportable progress over the past year. This has not been due to lack of effort on the part of the volunteer team, who have continued to press for further information to support a legal redress claim. The team’s efforts have been consistently hampered by certain parties, most notably the Infrastructure and Projects Authority who have resolutely refused to comply with requests for information. Three years have passed since the acquisition of ...

ShareSoc’s Bacanora Investor Group (BIG)

Final Update Bacanora has now been taken over by Ganfeng who have received acceptance by 90.3% We have achieved our objectives and the concerned investors were able to have their views heard, they met with management and an increased offer was made by Ganfeng (albeit it was only c 9% extra, and some campaingers wanted much more). The campaign has now concluded.   Urgent update from THINK BIG to all Bacanora Shareholders - Please click here to read Think BIG send Open Letter ...

Beaufort Client Campaign

This campaign is now closed as its principal objectives have been achieved with assets restored in full to almost all Beaufort clients. ShareSoc will consider whether to launch a further campaign to address the broader issue of the inefficient operation of the Special Administration Regime. ShareSoc is appalled by the treatment of Beaufort client assets proposed by administrator PWC and the huge fees PWC intends to charge for their services. We have therefore launched this campaign, seeking to minimise the losses suffered ...