ShareSoc in the News

This page lists references to ShareSoc in the press and broadcast media.

FT, 7 Aug 2020, Will Digital AGMs Replace Meeting Directors Over a Prawn Sandwich?

The article quoted ShareSoc Patron Lord Lee and ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight: ...For some investors, the reason to attend an AGM is in the chance to interact with a company in person, lost in a virtual world. “The value is in the margins, over coffee before and in the half-hour afterwards over a buffet lunch or another coffee,” says Lord John Lee, the private investor and FT columnist [and ShareSoc Patron]. “The board will always stay around for a period to ...

Daily Mail, 29 July 2020, ShareSoc Criticises Vodafone Decision to List £18bn Towers Business in Frankfurt

Daily Mail: Shareholder campaign group criticises Vodafone decision to list £18bn towers business in Frankfurt rather than London Sharesoc said the move would make UK private investors less likely to take part in the float, and give the towers firm access to a smaller pool of capital... ...Cliff Weight, director of Sharesoc, said: 'Vodafone's roots are in Britain and it has a large number of British shareholders. They would much rather have shares in a UK-listed firm and will be more cautious about ...

Teesside Gazette, 1 July 2020, Sirius Minerals Shareholders Call for Inquiry quotes SiriusClaim Chairman Paul Anscombe in an article headed "Sirius Minerals shareholders call for inquiry after reports of minister's meeting with rival boss - Investors say they are still waiting for answers over why the Government refused to provide life-saving support" Paul Anscombe, chairman of the Sirius claim group, which is considering legal action on behalf of shareholders, said: “We would like to see a proper select committee inquiry into the process of Government support for Sirius Minerals and their application ...

FT, 11 June 2020, Coronavirus Casts Doubt on Future of AGMs

There is an excellent FT article on AGMs (11 June 2020) which quotes me in some detail: Cliff Weight, from the individual shareholders group ShareSoc, says he is concerned that some companies see AGMs as a “waste of time and unnecessary, apart from the formalities” required by law. He fears some will use the disruption caused by the pandemic to rubber stamp bad practices, such as by making it harder for investors to question the board. ShareSoc believes a move towards live AGM ...

FT, 26 May 2020, Fund Raises Now Include Retail . “This is brilliant,” says Cliff Weight, director of ShareSoc, a campaign group for small shareholders. “A lot of hard work has gone on behind the scenes to explain why individual investors should not be shut out of fund raises. “I hope all companies will now follow their example and include individual investors in their fund raises.”  In a long article on fund raises, it was reported that Compass, the catering company, became the first main market business in the UK to include retail ...

Investors Chronicle, 14 May 2020, Watch what you’re being charged

This article quotes Cliff Weight and ShareSoc extensively. Cliff Weight, director at investor campaign group ShareSoc, says that although £195 sounds like a reasonable price for the administration of transferring stocks and closing an account, if a firm has good systems it doesn’t seem fair if this level of fee is charged for every account held by one person. “A client could notionally have five accounts, but it’s the same press of a button,” he argues. Lack of awareness Although Redmayne Bentley’s fees are not more punitive ...

FT 20 April 2020, AGMs in these Covid times – ShareAction

ShareAction has written to FTSE100 Chairs, concerned that two out of three FTSE100 annual general meetings (AGMs) announced so far are going behind closed doors, indicating a trend of shareholders being shut out in the context of Covid-19. Companies including BAE Systems, HSBC and Next are holding AGMs with two members of the board physically present, without giving shareholders the opportunity to participate virtually. In contrast, Taylor Wimpey, RBS and others have taken steps to ensure that shareholders are heard and answered ...

An Urgent Call to Include Individual Shareholders in New Issues – Sign Now!

Treat all shareholders fairly. There is no need to ignore individual shareholders in raising funds. Sign the petition now The Times reported today 20 April 2020 our letter (see which was co-signed by Mark Northway, Chairman of ShareSoc, our Patron Lord Lee (John Lee) , PrimaryBid and an impressive list of industry heavyweights. We have been working closely with PrimaryBid on this initiative. The Times article is here: This is an urgent call for UK PLCs, industry bodies, regulators, investors, ...

Daily Mail, 18 April 2020, Royal Mail CEO pay (again) Tory MP Robert Halfon said: 'At a time when thousands of postal workers are heroically risking their own health and the health of their families to serve their communities, it seems astonishing that the head of Royal Mail is hiding away in a Swiss penthouse. This is truly a case of lions being led by a donkey.' Cliff Weight, director of Sharesoc, which represents small shareholders, added: 'Why should shareholders buy shares in a company run by a board and chief executive like ...

Daily Mail, 17 April 2020, Royal Mail CEO pay Royal Mail is under mounting pressure to cut executive pay after it slashed its dividend to save cash... The issue has been highlighted by the Mail's Time to End Fat Cat Pay campaign. Cliff Weight, director of Sharesoc, which represents small shareholders, said: 'Leaders should lead by example – it is as simple as that. 'Back and other executives at Royal Mail should take a pay cut. Most other companies seem to have accepted this, but a few bad boards seem to have ...

Investors Chronicle, 15 April 2020, Are Retail Investors Losing Out? Companies in the current crisis are rushing to strengthen their balance sheets. This article reviews what is happening and mentions the PrimaryBid approach. It quotes ShareSoc director Cliff Weight: However, excluding retail investors from participating in fundraisings is a “snub”, said Cliff Weight, director of policy and campaigns at shareholder rights group ShareSoc, arguing that companies should not be taking a selective approach to when they require support from retail shareholders. “This is a way of the big institutions creaming off a profit ...

FT, 9 April 2020, Dividend Payments at Risk

ShareSoc Director, Cliff Weight, is quoted in the following article: Though the dividend cuts may be unpopular with some investors looking to draw income, Cliff Weight, director of shareholder advocacy group ShareSoc, said it was better for companies to conserve cash rather than risk going bust. Investors should not be dependent on income from investments, Mr Weight added. “You should have a sufficient cash buffer so that if the worst does happen then you’re not financially destroyed.” Cliff clarifies his remarks in the ...