ShareSoc in the News

This page lists references to ShareSoc in the press and broadcast media.

The Times, 21 Aug 2019, Plumbing and heating group Ferguson mulls move

Cliff Weight, director of ShareSoc, a retail shareholders' group, said that he could not see “any particular concern” with Ferguson moving its listing... See

Evening Standard, 8 August 2019, Hargreaves Lansdown Chiefs get £200m Dividend

ShareSoc's chairman raises a quizzical eyebrow in this article:

Daily Mail, 2 August 2019, Aston Martin advisers pocket fees as individual investors lose 75% of their IPO investment

Aston Martin and its financial advisors have come under fire over the disastrous performance of its shares since its £4.3billion float. Sharesoc, the retail investors' champion, accused them of over-pricing the car maker's shares in its stock market debut – and said this was partly to blame for a 74 per cent fall since then... See

Investors Chronicle, 18 July 2019, Ventus and Ventus 2 VCTs

The highly respected and influential Investors Chronicle is taking an interest in and writing a balance article on the Ventus funds, see The IC seems to think ShareSoc is leading and driving the campaign, whereas the campaign leader is Nick Curtis, but other than this point I think it is a very good article.

Daily Mail, 14 July 2019, Thomas Cook – misleading investors?

Cliff Weight asks if Thomas Cook were misleading investors and if the FCA should investigate. The 3 May RNS looks unduly optimistic in the light of today’s announcement. Thomas Cook’s directors need to be held to account for making such positive statements, which may have misled many individual investors. The shares were shorted over 10% before the 12 July announcement. This suggests the directors were slow to act to inform the market. Individual investors have a right to be treated fairly and prima ...

Daily Telegraph, 4 July 2019 – Platforms Letting Investors Down

An excellent article, in which ShareSoc director Mark Bentley is quoted extensively, highlighting the problems faced by investors who wish to take an active ownership interest in the companies they invest in. The problems described explain why we consider our Shareholder Rights Campaign to be so important.

FT, 22 June 2019 – UK Shareholder Rights Being Eroded

Article in the FT highlighting the issues that our shareholder rights campaign seeks to address. ShareSoc director Cliff Weight and UKSA director Peter Parry are quoted extensively:

FT, 18 June 2019 – Critics call on Hargreaves to reveal executive’s Woodford stakes

“This is not caught by law, but it is certainly caught by moral imperative,” said Mark Northway, chairman at shareholder rights’ group ShareSoc. “Given [Mr Dampier’s] position in the eye of the storm, transparency is the only policy available to him....  

FT, 11 June 2019 – FT published letter from ShareSoc Chairman Mark Northway

Why fund managers are willing to risk their reputations.    

Evening Standard, 10 June 2019 – Woodford Patient Capital Trust

Story about Woodford funds quotes ShareSoc director Cliff Weight saying the FCA needs to protect retail investors.

The New York Times, 5 June 2019 – Woodford Fund closure

The New York Times have printed a story about Woodford funds and quoted ShareSoc director Cliff Weight.

CNBC, 25 Apr 2019 – RBS Bosses Braced for Shareholder Rebellion “…The bank, which is still 62% owned by the taxpayer, has faced resistance from the Investment Association (IA), which has 200 members collectively managing over £7.7 trillion ($9.92 trillion) in assets, along with shareholder society ShareSoc and shareholder advisory body PIRC. Earlier this month, ShareSoc director and RBS shareholder committee campaign co-ordinator Cliff Weight advised members holding RBS shares to vote against the bank’s remuneration report…”