ShareSoc in the News

This page lists references to ShareSoc in the press and broadcast media.

Ignites Europe, 29 February 2024, UK regulator urged to publish findings into Woodford saga

As the Woodford Debacle continues without final resolution, there are multiple calls for an independent review of the FCA's handling of the affair, and ShareSoc Directors are quoted pressing for more transparency on who else the FCA are investigating.  Click here to read the article.

The Times , 4 December 2023, D-Day for Woodford investors faced with £230m compensation offer

The Times recently featured ShareSoc's position regarding the contentious compensation scheme for Neil Woodford’s collapsed investment fund. Click here to read the article.

Shares Spotlight, November 2023, All Investors Should Join ShareSoc

ShareSoc appeared in the November edition of Shares Spotlight, a publication that features a regular series of reports focusing on small and growing companies. Each issue is free to read and provides important information to help investors make better-informed decisions. Click here to read the article.

Investors Chronicle, 9 November 2023, This digital plan will trample all over shareholder rights

The Investors Chronicle slams the threat to Shareholder Rights posed by the recommendations in the Digitisation Taskforce interim report. ShareSoc's views are mentioned. (Subscription required)

This is Money, 2 July 2023, M&S tells investors to stay away from AGM: Sparks fly after it warns shareholders they are not welcome

ShareSoc is referenced and director Mark Northway is quoted in this article, published by This is Money on 2nd July 2023.

Financial Times, 10 June 2023, Why I want my name to appear on shareholder registers

ShareSoc was mentioned in the Financial Times in an article about Shareholder Registers. Click here to read the article.

This is Money, 23 April 2023, Inviting small investors is key to AGMs

ShareSoc was mentioned in an article by Jeff Prestridge on 23/4/23. Click here to read the article.

This is Money, 16 April 2023, Making investors feel loved should be a goal for companies, so I welcome plan for greater shareholder empowerment

ShareSoc was mentioned in an article by Jeff Prestridge on 16/4/23. Click here to read the article.

The Times, 13 April 2023, Rebooting annual meetings for the digital age is not that revolting

ShareSoc was mentioned by The Times as one of the organisers of the campaign for changes to the Companies Act alongside M&S.  Click here to read the article.

Investment Week, 12 April 2023, Atrato Group lines up Home REIT bid as social housing chief departs

ShareSoc director Mark Bentley was quoted by Investment Week in an article about Atrato Group's bid to replace Alvarium as Home REIT’s investment adviser. "While Atrato has done a decent job at Supermarket Income REIT, Home REIT's assets, and tenants, are a very different kettle of fish," said Mark Bentley, Home REIT shareholder and director of ShareSoc.  Click here to read the article.

The Guardian, 7 April 2023, Digital shareholders meetings could recreate some of the buzz we lost

ShareSoc was mentioned in the Guardian on 7/4/23. Click here to read the article.

This is Money, 1 April 2023, M&S’s Archie Norman: ‘I’m on mission for investors’ – chairman wants digital AGMs and closer shareholder ties

A huge boost for ShareSoc's long-running Shareholder Rights campaign, as Archie Norman, the Chair of M&S sends an open letter to the government demanding they fix the major issues. ShareSoc was a signatory to this letter and the Mail On Sunday/ThisisMoney has given it front-page coverage and more. Click here to read the article.