ShareSoc in the News

This page lists references to ShareSoc in the press and broadcast media.

Bloomberg, 23 August 2022, Water Companies Risk Bonus Backlash as Sewage Taints UK Beaches

ShareSoc director Cliff Weight was quoted on Bloomberg UK's website, commenting on how salaries and bonuses for water company executives rose by more than a fifth last year, despite the news of leaks and hosepipe bans. "Companies are wrong to ignore the PR implications of pay,” said Cliff Weight, director of ShareSoc, an organization that supports individual investors. “The outcome can only lead to tougher tax and regulatory regimes which will not be in the best interests of long-term shareholders." Click here to ...

Investor’s Chronicle, 28 Jul 2022, Is there hope in the investor engagement challenge?

Click here to read the article Investors Chronicle long piece on Shareholder Rights, a core campaign for ShareSoc, as it's fundamental to investors maximising their returns by holding company managements to account. The core problems include: shareholders are not the legal owners but only the beneficial owners as nominees; platforms/brokers aren't legally compelled to facilitate communication between companies and nominee shareholders, so many don't; companies don't actually know who their shareholders are; voting is often difficult if not impossible, never mind attending ...

Which?, 19 Jul 2022, Shareholders locked out of annual general meeting (AGM) season

Click here to read the article Which? wrote about Shareholder democracy and quoted ShareSoc data that only an estimated 1% of investors vote. Despite a flood of stock market newcomers during the pandemic (7.1m according to the FCA), shareholder advocacy group ShareSoc estimates just 1% of private shareholders exercise their right to vote. Investment platforms may be partially to blame, with our research finding that while some have a streamlined voting system, for others it’s complex and convoluted with investors given no automatic voting rights and ...

Investor’s Chronicle, 7 Jul 2022, The endurance of the investment club

Click here to read the article SIGnet's Ray Williams has been quoted in an article by Investor's Chronicle about investment clubs. SIGnet is a network of clubs where investors can discuss ideas, but without the shared accounts share clubs are known for. SIGnet's Ray Williams says it has 31 groups which vary in size between six and 20 members. The network has been growing in recent years, and Williams describes it as "a group who get together to talk in a civilised manner and ...

People Management, 30 Jun 2022, It’s time to put a stop to misogyny in business

People Management website mentioned ShareSoc's call for strict penalties to be enforced on individuals using sexist language and behaviour during AGMs. Click here to read the article

Investment Week, 15 June 2022, Leigh Day and Harcus Parker merge Woodford claims for ‘unified front’ against Link

A Group Litigation Order will detail the claimants' allegations against Link, primary of which is alleged mismanagement of the former Woodford Equity Income fund. According to ShareSoc, which endorsed Leigh Day's legal claim in November 2020, the joint claim will represent around 20,000 claimants currently registered with the two law firms. Click here to read the article.

Citywire, 15 June 2022, Law firms join forces to battle Link over Woodford collapse

Citywire mentioned ShareSoc in their article about the merger of the Leigh Day and the Harcus Parker legal claims. Click here to read the article.

The Times, 15 June 2022, Law firms plan united front in Woodford scandal legal battle

ShareSoc director Cliff Weight was quoted on The Times this week, welcoming the merge of the Leigh Day and Harcus Parker claims targeting Link Fund Solutions, the authorised corporation director of the failed Woodford Equity Income Fund. Click here to read the article.

FTSE 100 Company holds AGM in Spain. IAG tone deaf?

This is the Personal View Point of Cliff Weight and does not necessarily reflect ShareSoc Policy. Cliff Weight is a director of ShareSoc. Cliff does not own shares in IAG. A good, well run AGM is a sign of a good company with a good culture. An AGM at an inconvenient time in an inconvenient location is a red flag. IAG's 2022 shareholders’ meeting will be held on Thursday 16 June 2022 at 12 noon (CEST).  The meeting will take place in Madrid at Edificio Mutua Madrileña, Paseo de ...

Aviation Pros, 13 June 2022, British Airways Owner Flies in to Pay Storm

ShareSoc director Cliff Weight was quoted sharing his views on IAG's decision to hold its AGM in Spain. "It's a lot of money so they should provide a meeting in London — where most of their shareholders can get to more easily — as well as the formal AGM in Madrid. 'It strikes me that the directors want to hide from their shareholders, who have seen their share price reduce by 75 per cent [since 2020] and are appalled at these egregious remuneration increases." Click here to ...

This is Money, 04 June 2022, Dividends paid by cheque to shareholders are being axed by Abrdn – in latest move towards a cashless society

ShareSoc's patron Lord Lee of Trafford commented on Abrdn's decision to stop paying dividends by cheque. "It is not just older people, but also youngsters who need to appreciate the value of money and might like to have a cheque arriving in the post when a dividend payment is due.  There is no doubt dividends paid by bank transfer are more convenient for many people, but it should not be mandatory. Investors must be given the choice.' Click here to read the article.

FT, 03 June 2022, Antidotes to pessimism in the UK’s audit reforms

Click here to read the article ShareSoc director Cliff Weight co-signed a letter published in the FT.  "In a perfect world for users of company accounts, reform of the UK’s audit and corporate governance regime would include a UK version of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This US law requires chief executives and finance directors to sign up to the truthfulness of material facts, and external audit of the effectiveness of internal controls. As your report notes (“Audit regulation shake-up to be diluted”, Report, May ...