ShareSoc in the News

This page lists references to ShareSoc in the press and broadcast media.

Daily Mail, 26 August 2021, Fury at £100m bonus for the Sports Direct prince

Mike Ashley does it again: stirring up controversy over a proposed bonus scheme for his future son-in-law. ShareSoc director (and former remuneration consultant) Cliff Weight is quoted in this article in the Daily Mail: Cliff Weight, of small shareholders campaign group Sharesoc, also questioned why Murray was worth his enormous pay package. He raised concerns that Ashley would be able to ram the proposal through at an annual general meeting next month even if other investors resist. 'This is clearly a case of a 60 ...

The Times , 23 August 2021, Ludicrous rules prevent TV educating viewers about stock markets, says Lord Lee

ShareSoc Patron Lord Lee is quoted in the The Times, 23 August 2021, in an article about the ludicrous rules that prevent TV from educating viewers about stock markets. Lord Lee is urging the government to look at financial and broadcasting regulations that effectively restrict mainstream television from producing valuable educational and informative programmes about investment. Lord Lee has tabled a parliamentary question.  “To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they will meet (1) representatives of the major television channels, (2) the Financial Conduct Authority, and ...

Investors Chronicle, 4 August 2021, Retail investors get a shot at company fundraisings

ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight is quoted in the 4 August Investors Chronicle article on company fundraisings, see ShareSoc director Cliff Weight describes as “an anachronism” the way Retail investors have often been excluded from fundraisings, partly because of the EU prospectus regime currently followed in the UK. While companies can raise funds equivalent to up to 20 per cent of their share capital without having to issue a prospectus, fundraising from retail investors on that basis is capped at €8m.

Mail on Sunday, 25 July 2021, Do shareholders want to vote?

This is a personal blog by ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight and does not necessarily reflect ShareSoc's position. With regard to concerns about the need and demand for voting services, there is some good data in the Mail On Sunday today which is helpful in demonstrating the need for providing a good, quick, easy to use voting service. Viz Older investors are leading the way in influencing the companies they invest in, according to a new survey by Interactive Investor. A third of investors aged ...

Investors Chronicle, 22 July 2021, Takeover Guidance

ShareSoc Patron Lord Lee is quoted in  the Investors Chronicle opinion piece by Paul Jackson about takeovers. Anyone selling Morrisons shares after Monday 14 June, when the unsolicited approach was made, must have been kicking themselves. So should shareholders have been told more promptly? Lord John Lee thinks so.  Since directors have a duty to “lead, steward and serve shareholders”, are they at fault for failing to inform them better? Well, no. That’s because they have to be guided by the Takeover Panel, which says ...

Daily Mail, 2 June 2021, Bacanora takeover “offer” by Chinese company Ganfeng  reports that: Cliff Weight, director of shareholders champion ShareSoc, said: 'When foreign joint ventures are listed on the London Stock Exchange, it is very difficult for the rights of minority shareholders to be protected. 'Companies such as Bacanora need to be much more transparent, so it is easier for investors to understand the options and warrants that JV (joint venture) partners have. It looks like the Chinese are buying lithium assets on the cheap.' .

Sunday Telegraph, 30 May, Leonardo Governance Concerns quotes ShareSoc saying a CEO in the UK would step aside until the investigation concluded.

Daily Mail, 2 May 2021, Aviva Investor Revolt

The Daily Mail quoted ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight in its 2 May Aviva article   Aviva faces an investor revolt this week after angering shareholders by deciding not to claw back fees from directors who oversaw a preference shares scandal. The insurer was rocked in 2018 when it said it was considering buying back shares marketed as 'irredeemable' for less than they were trading at. It reneged on the announcement days later, by which time the shares had tumbled. It was forced to compensate investors. ...

Wealth Adviser, 24 Mar 2021, Individual investors feel there are barriers to their ability to buy growth stocks, say AQSE and ShareSoc

A survey undertaken by ShareSoc and Aquis Stock Exchange (AQSE), which indicated that individual investors do not feel they have good, equal access to growth stocks, has been featured on Wealth Adviser on 24 March. Click here to read the article.

Financial Times, 18 Mar 2021, Neil Woodford: the continuing fallout of a scandal

The Financial Times mentioned ShareSoc's recent Woodford webinar, where a poll of more than 800 former Woodford investors found just 5 per cent were persuaded to back him by independent financial advisers. According to our poll, the majority of the participants used either investment platforms or fund supermarkets, which allow investors to select funds themselves. Click here to read the article.

Mail, 14 March 2021, Extensive ShareSoc press coverage in Mail newspapers

Mark Northway, ShareSoc Chair, is quoted extensively in this article for new investors. The Mail on Sunday and Daily Mail is doing a good job at informing its huge readership about investing in shares and funds. Recent coverage includes The good news about Mail On Sunday and the Daily Mail is there is no paywall, IT'S FREE, so everyone can read their very informative articles, unlike the FT, Telegraph and Times. Also, the articles include links to the ShareSoc website so this may attract ...

Mail, 14 March 2021, SUPERMAN and #sharesocuk Support Shareholder Rights.

It is good news that The Mail on Sunday MailOnline is supporting shareholders and shareholders rights. I get quoted.... Cliff Weight, director of investor campaign group ShareSoc, says wealth platforms make it so difficult for customers to engage that they are 'disenfranchising individual shareholders'. He says: 'Most platforms don't even pass on information and if you want to vote the method offered is practically prehistoric. As a result they're throwing away millions of shareholder votes.' Weight believes platform Interactive Investor is better than most. Eight per cent ...