ShareSoc in the News

This page lists references to ShareSoc in the press and broadcast media.

Investment Week, 01 October 2021, Leigh Day’s Boz Michalowska: Woodford-style scandal will happen again if rules aren’t tightened

Investment Week covered our event on Woodford and published a summary of the Q&A with Leigh Day's Boz Michalowska. Click here to read more.

This is Money, 29 September 2021, Payments provider Wise comes under pressure to beef up its board after founder’s tax dispute

ShareSoc's director Cliff Weight was quoted in this article in This is Money: Cliff Weight, of independent investor group Sharesoc, said: ‘It’s the law in this country to pay your taxes, and anyone who doesn’t follow that should not be the director of a business.’

Leigh Day issue court proceedings against Link

Leigh Day issued court proceedings against Link on Monday 27 September 2021.  This is a huge step forward in getting compensation for the many thousands of unfortunates who lost money in Woodford’s WEIF funds. Leigh Day’s issuing of proceedings is a big milestone. We are concerned, however, that roughly only 5-10% of the 270,000 or so investors seem to have joined any claim so far. We urge all WEIF investors to join a claim. We believe that Leigh Day are streets ahead of ...

TodayUKNews, 28 September 2021, Update: Link vows to defend itself as Leigh Day Woodford case heads to court

ShareSoc's director Cliff Weight was quoted in this article in Today UK News: Cliff Weight, Woodford campaign director at ShareSoc, added: “This is a huge step forward in getting compensation for the many thousands of unfortunates who lost money in Woodford’s WEIF funds. Leigh Day’s issuing of proceedings is a big milestone.”

Law360, 28 September 2021, Investors Take Woodford Fund Administrator To Court

ShareSoc was quoted in this article in Law 360: ShareSoc, a campaigning organization that represents shareholders, said on Monday that the case is a "huge step forward in getting compensation for the many thousands of unfortunates who lost money."

This is Money, 27 September 2021, Wounded investors to get their day in court as they try to recoup losses from the collapse of Woodford’s fund

ShareSoc director Cliff Weight is quoted in this article in This is Money: Cliff Weight, Woodford Campaign Director at ShareSoc said: 'This is a huge step forward in getting compensation for the many thousands of unfortunates who lost money in Woodford’s WEIF funds. 'Leigh Day’s issuing of proceedings is a big milestone.'

Stock Market Investment Needs More TV Promotion

ShareSoc Patron Lord Lee is continuing his high profile campaign to get more mainstream coverage of investments and better financial education. The FT has a large article about these issues written by John Lee himself, see headed- Stock market investment needs more television promotion - Onerous rules limit broadcasters and hamper financial education John writes: There is widespread agreement that financial education in this country is lamentable. This manifests itself in so many ways, from the fact that many people just leave significant cash deposits ...

Daily Mail, 26 August 2021, Fury at £100m bonus for the Sports Direct prince

Mike Ashley does it again: stirring up controversy over a proposed bonus scheme for his future son-in-law. ShareSoc director (and former remuneration consultant) Cliff Weight is quoted in this article in the Daily Mail: Cliff Weight, of small shareholders campaign group Sharesoc, also questioned why Murray was worth his enormous pay package. He raised concerns that Ashley would be able to ram the proposal through at an annual general meeting next month even if other investors resist. 'This is clearly a case of a 60 ...

The Times , 23 August 2021, Ludicrous rules prevent TV educating viewers about stock markets, says Lord Lee

ShareSoc Patron Lord Lee is quoted in the The Times, 23 August 2021, in an article about the ludicrous rules that prevent TV from educating viewers about stock markets. Lord Lee is urging the government to look at financial and broadcasting regulations that effectively restrict mainstream television from producing valuable educational and informative programmes about investment. Lord Lee has tabled a parliamentary question.  “To ask Her Majesty’s Government whether they will meet (1) representatives of the major television channels, (2) the Financial Conduct Authority, and ...

Investors Chronicle, 4 August 2021, Retail investors get a shot at company fundraisings

ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight is quoted in the 4 August Investors Chronicle article on company fundraisings, see ShareSoc director Cliff Weight describes as “an anachronism” the way Retail investors have often been excluded from fundraisings, partly because of the EU prospectus regime currently followed in the UK. While companies can raise funds equivalent to up to 20 per cent of their share capital without having to issue a prospectus, fundraising from retail investors on that basis is capped at €8m.