
This page catalogues our monthly newsletters, with summaries of their content. Full members of ShareSoc can download any newsletter from here, by clicking on the relevant newsletter . Go here to subscribe and become a full member of ShareSoc, in order to access our full newsletter library and gain many other member benefits:

May 2013

Scottish Oriental Smaller Cos Trust, Graphite Enterprise Trust, Tesco results, VSA Capital Group delisting, Healthcare Locums, Turbotec delisting, Is AIM dead?, AIM shares in ISAs, BAE Systems AGM Report, London Capital Group AGM, Delcam AGM, Technology Company Seminar, Are you a shareholder?, Charges can wipe out your gains, How to select stocks, Excessive intermediation, Investment for the family, Web site changes, An invite to influence company information supply, New AGM reports

April 2013

BAE AGM, HBOS, RBS Legal Action, Bankers Pay, Barclays business practices, Petropavlovsk dividend, Turbotec delisting, Audit market, AIM Companies in ISAs, The Budget, ShareSoc Technology Seminar - Dotdigital, Deltex Medical and Escher, Shell AGM, Medallion Guarantees, Are index funds killing the market?, Revitalising AGMs, Elementis and Voting at AGMs, Government to Review Pre-packs, High yielding VCTs - Baronsmead VCT3, VCT5 and Chrysalis VCT, New AGM Reports

March 2013

Should you Invest in Esure?, Audit market not serving shareholders, Facing up to Reality at Aviva, Facing up to Reality at RBS, Cosalt goes into Pre-Pack Administration, United Carpets Pre-Pack, Member Survey, New High Growth Segment, ShareSoc Investor Day and Members Meeting Report, Technology Company Seminar, From the Blog - BAE Systems and RM, Avoiding Libel, Bradford & Bingley Action Group in Court, Dematerialisation, Bankers' Bonuses, Some Pay Figures, High Pay Centre Report and PIRC Opposes LTIPS, On-line Brokers, IDOX Review

February 2013

Barclays and other Banks, Victoria Director Contract, Orchid Developments, EasyJet, Stobart, LSE Consultation, Intercede Profit Warning, BAE Systems, Rensburg AIM VCT, ShareSoc Investor Day, Don't be a Follower of Fashion, Avoiding Embarrassment, Total Value Investing by John Kingham, Pre-Packs - Insolvency Report from Commons Committee, Shareholder Voting Across Europe, Corero Network Security - Placing and Control Issues, Tracsis Company Review, Test of Proper Purpose at Red Rock Resources, Book Reviews - Tap Dancing to Work and Professional Investor Rules.

January 2013

BAE Systems, RBS News and Bank Ring Fencing, Orchid Developments, Red Rock Resources, RPI to Remain Unchanged, 2012 Portfolio Performance - Small Caps were the Key, Stock Screening Wins - Maybe, SEIS Scheme Extended, ShareSoc Investor Day, Investment Trusts, EuropeanIssuers take stance on Securities Laws, Reinvigorating AGMs, DotDigital Review, British Empire Securities AGM Report, Book Review - the Little Book that Beats the Market.

December 2012

Graphite Enterprise Trust, Pay in AIM Companies - Inland Homes, Bezant and Solo Oil, HP and Autonomy, National Grid, ShareSoc Opposes Changes to the Retail Price Index, AIM Companies in ISAs, Self Regulation, SIPP Operators Capital, AIM Company Rating Systems (Scorecard), Kay Review, Brightside Group Profile, Members' Meeting - Preliminary Announcement, Pure Wafer AGM Report, Book Review - The Clash of the Cultures.

November 2012

BAE Systems Campaign, Redrow, Victoria, Vodafone and Share Buy-Backs, The Abuse of Share Incentive Schemes, ISDX Launch, MPs criticise RBS Report, Improving Engagement, Rising Director Remuneration, Banning Risky Behaviour, Rensburg AIM VCT, Farage or Farrago, Creating Wealth Using Dividends, Danish Shareholders Association, Improving Non-Executive Directors, Fundsmith Review, Book Review - Contrarian Investing, Dunedin Enterprise GM, Diageo AGM, Abcam AGM.

October 2012

BAE/EADS Merger, Graphite Enterprise Campaign, Direct Line IPO, AIM IPO - Blur Group, World Money Event Presentation, Petition Results, Proposed Changes to the Listing Rules, Cummings Gets His Comeuppance, RPI Due for a Makeover?, Remuneration (Business Against Greed, Persimmon LTIP, Halfords CEO, Monitise), The Pension Time Bomb Has Arrived, AIM Placings (2ergo), Company Review - St. Ives, Book Review, AGM Report Prize Winner, Electronic Voting and AGMs, Intercede AGM Report, Victoria General Meeting.

September 2012

Intercede U-Turn, Graphite Enterprise Campaign Launched, Monitise - Who Will Make Money?, More Non-Independent Chairmen, Success in Fighting Financial Crime, Lo-Q and the Issue of Too Many Directorships, Sorting Out the Nominee Account Voting Problem, AIM Market, Quotas for Women on Boards?, Crowdfunding, If You Can Keep Your Head - Fixed Income or Equities?, UK Stewardship Code Set for Change, Retail Distribution Review Coming Soon, Book Reviews - Steve Jobs, The Facebook Effect, Double Entry, Victoria AGM Report

August 2012

Hiscox & Bellway - Combined Code ignored, Lighthouse Grou - Delisting Defeated, Northern Rock Judgement and RBS Nationalisation, From the Blog, Kay Review Published, Non-Executive Directors, Obtaining Voting Results, EasyJet and the Issue of Too Many Directorships, Marlow Members Meeting, Twitter Cashtag, Investment Company Report - Consilia, AGM Reports - Rensburg AIM VCT and Halfords, NewPrize Competition for the Best AGM Report, Book Review