ShareSoc News

Organisations Applaud EU Proposal For A Pan-European Personal Pension (Pepp)

Press Release 96 SHARESOC AND UKSA, ALONG WITH BETTER FINANCE, APPLAUD EU PROPOSAL FOR A PAN-EUROPEAN PERSONAL PENSION (PEPP) TO DEFUSE THE TICKING PENSIONS TIME BOMB, AND URGE THE UK GOVERNMENT TO MAKE FURTHER PROGRESS ON FOSTERING RETAIL INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL MARKETS Cliff Weight, Director of ShareSoc commented, "The UK Government needs to ensure that, after BREXIT, we continue to look after the rights of individual investors and needs parallel process to the EU to solve the pensions timebomb." ShareSoc and UKSA ...

ShareSoc’s and UKSA’s joint response to the FRC’s consultation on the enforcement procedures sanctions

ShareSoc’s and UKSA’s joint response to the FRC’s consultation on the FRC’s enforcement procedures sanctions: Click here

ShareSoc announces its new improved website

PRESS RELEASE 95 22/06/2017 ShareSoc announces its new improved website This is part of ShareSoc’s plans to grow its membership and develop its range of services provided to individual investors. The new site has been funded by donations from members and companies. Modernised look, more appealing to new members. Clearly laid out website and information is easy to find. Blog, with the ability to subscribe to each post to keep you informed of key topics, as soon as posts are made. Mark ...

New Website Launched!

  After almost a year of development, we are proud and excited to announce the launch of the new ShareSoc website. I would like to thank  all those members who donated generously to fund this development. I would also like to thank Mark Bentley for volunteering a huge amount of his time to manage the project. Mark was ably supported by our developers Chillibyte, and my thanks also go to them and to Angela Watt, for volunteering to transfer much of the content of our ...

RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign Update 5

This note has been issued to the campaign supporters. Thank you for help and support so far. I am writing to update you on progress, which is very disappointing. I expect some of you will not read all of this long post and quite understand if you only read part: for those who wish to, I have included my full report on the RBS AGM below. RBS refused to put our resolution on the AGM Agenda. Mark Northway, ShareSoc Chairman and Cliff Weight, ...

Organisations Urge Government To Foster Retail Investments In Capital Markets

Press Release 94 - SHARESOC AND UKSA, ALONG WITH BETTER FINANCE, WELCOMES THE CAPITAL MARKETS UNION MID-TERM REVIEW REPORT, AND - URGE THE UK GOVERNMENT TO MAKE PROGRESS ON FOSTERING RETAIL INVESTMENT IN CAPITAL MARKETS Cliff Weight, Director of ShareSoc commented, "The UK Government needs to ensure that, after BREXIT, we continue to look after the rights of individual investors." There is an abundance of investable private capital in the UK and Europe, with households desperately looking for positive real returns on their long-term savings ...

Response to FCA Consultation on Illiquid Assets

ShareSoc's response to the FCA's consultation on Illiquid Assets and Open-Ended Investment Funds is in this document: Open-Ended-Funds

ShareSoc’s response to the FCA’s consultation on Illiquid Assets and Open-Ended Investment Funds

ShareSoc’s response to the FCA’s consultation on Illiquid Assets and Open-Ended Investment Funds is in this document: Open-Ended-Funds

Royal Bank of Scotland AGM Voting Recommendations from ShareSoc

PRESS RELEASE 93 11/04/2017 ShareSoc recommends voting against the following resolutions at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of RBS: 2 Remuneration Policy, 3 Remuneration Report, 4 Chairman Howard Davies, 12 NED Penny Hughes and 24 General Meetings at 14 day notice. RBS have continued to resist our request for a shareholders’ resolution to be put to the AGM for the establishment of a Shareholder Committee, and have steadfastly refused to share their legal opinion. We consider the behaviour of the RBS board in ...

FSCS Consultation Response

ShareSoc responded to the FCA's consultation on funding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) with this note: FSCS-Funding

Response to the FCA’s consultation on funding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

ShareSoc responded to the FCA’s consultation on funding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) with this note: FSCS-Funding

Persimmon Voting Recommendations

PRESS RELEASE 92 27/03/2017 ShareSoc is opposed to the Remuneration Policy of Persimmon Plc. We therefore recommend VOTING AGAINST the Persimmon AGM resolutions as follows: Remuneration Policy (Resolution No. 2), Remuneration Report (No. 3), Remuneration Committee Chair Jonathan Davie (No. 8) and the 2017 Performance Share Plan (No. 14). How can the Remuneration Report almost completely ignore the existing LTIP awards? There is no mention of the £100 million share scheme for Persimmon CEO Fairburn in the new remuneration policy, other than to ...