ShareSoc News

EXPN – Experian plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM:  19 July 2023 Proxy deadline:  17 July 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 19 July 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues and recommends voting against one of the resolutions. Readers should make their own ...

SSE – SSE plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM:  20 July 2023 Proxy deadline:  18 July 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 20 July 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues and recommends voting against three of the resolutions. Readers should make their own ...

NG. – National Grid plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM:  10 July 2023 Proxy deadline:  6 July 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 10 July 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues and recommends voting against one of the resolutions. Readers should make their own ...

0.5% Stamp Tax on UK shares – consultation response

Abolish Stamp Duty Tax or reduce it to 0.05%  In a short, 4-page response, to the HMRC Consultation, we re-emphasised the points we made in our 2020 consultation response. Our key points were:   This consultation is fundamentally flawed. It does not discuss the rate of taxation on UK shares, which is currently 0.5% and is hugely uncompetitive with the US, which is the largest securities market in the world.  Our analysis is that:    The original rationale for stamp duty (cost of wax seal ...


Recent announcements relating to Woodford Equity Income Fund (WEIF) warrant close attention: The FCA has announced a potential £235 million settlement with Link Financial Services (LFS) The settlement, if approved by WEIF investors, will be used to pay redress The scheme, if approved, will protect LFS from further claims The FCA is effectively urging investors to approve the scheme and is stating that legal redress claims promise an unrealistic return since FSCS compensation would not cover investment losses. This statement is confusing, since redress claims ...

III – 3i Group plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM:  29th June 2023 Proxy deadline:  27th June 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 29th June 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues in particular and recommends voting against two of the resolutions including a general authority ...

TSCO – Tesco plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM:  16 June 2023 Proxy deadline:  14 June 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 16th June 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues in particular and recommends voting against three of the resolutions including to ...

FCA DP23-2 Improving the UK regime for asset management

Joint response from UKSA and ShareSoc 22 May 2023  One of the key roles of ShareSoc is to represent the interests of individual investors and we do this by campaigning and lobbying for improvements. Part of what we do on behalf of our members is to respond to consultations such as FCA DP23-2. In a detailed 30-page response, UKSA and ShareSoc made the following key points:  1 - We are pleased that the FCA is consulting on the UK regime for asset management ...

Shareholder Democracy

  Currently, investor campaigns and grass-roots shareholder action groups are obstructed by the barricades that prevent them from communicating with other shareholders. Shareholder contact details increasingly rarely appear on share registers. The fact that the vast majority of individuals’ investments are held via Nominees, means that they become anonymous. They are a company’s beneficial shareholders but they are uncontactable, other than by their broker/platform behind a wall of GDPR rules.  The Shareholder Rights Campaign   ShareSoc has campaigned tirelessly over many years for much more ...

PRU – Prudential plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM:  25 May 2023 Proxy deadline:  23 May 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 25 May 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues in particular and recommends voting against four of the resolutions including those relating to ...

GLEN – Glencore plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM: 26 May 2023 Proxy deadline: 24 May 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 26 May 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues in particular and recommends voting against one of the resolutions. Please note ...

LLOY – Lloyds Banking Group plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

AGM: 18th May 2023 Proxy deadline: 16th May 2023 ShareSoc provide this added value voting information service for Full Members only, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia summary report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 18 May 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. Minerva detailed research report for the AGM. Summary of voting issues at this year’s AGM  The Minerva report highlights various issues in particular and recommends voting against three of the resolutions. Readers should make ...