FRC Consultation on Draft Plan and Budget 2020 / 21

On 25th February 2020, in a joint ShareSoc/UKSA response we responded to the FRC request for comment as follows:

Thank you for circulating the Draft Plan and Budget to us for comment.

Overall, we like the document that the FRC has produced. Aspects that we particularly like include:

  • The structure: it is logical and easy to follow
  • The content: the issues raised are thoughtful and meaningful. It is good, for example, to see the issue of transparency mentioned specifically. It is also good to see the overt recognition that the FRC plays an important public interest role which seeks to address the interests of investors, suppliers, customers and others who have a legitimate interest in the health of companies.
  • The writing style: it is clear and direct; it avoids being unnecessarily discursive;
  • The presentation: it avoids pointless graphics which add little or nothing to reader’s understanding of the plan and budget.
  • Its pragmatism: it outlines aims and goals for the FRC which address investors’ expectations of the Regulator and which avoid exaggerating what the FRC can realistically achieve.
  • Its brevity; it is appropriately short and to the point.

Our full response is here FRC Draft Plan and Budget 2020 – UKSA SS response.pdf

And the plan and budget itself can be found here:;.aspx

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