Shares Spotlight Webinar

EJF Investments, JPMorgan Emerging Markets, North American Income Trust and Strategic Equity Capital

Shares Spotlight webinars feature presentations from directors of companies explaining their investment propositions followed by an opportunity for you to ask questions. This is your chance to hear first-hand from the directors of companies and how they are going to generate shareholder value.

The following companies will be presenting:

EJF Investments Ltd (EJFI) is a closed‐end fund that trades on the Specialist Fund Segment of the Main Market of London Stock Exchange. EJFI’s objective is to provide shareholders with attractive risk adjusted returns through regular dividends and capital growth over the long term. EJFI generates exposure primarily to a diversified portfolio of loans issued by financial institutions and related or similar assets in the U.S.

JPMorgan Emerging Markets (JMG) seeks to uncover quality stocks from across emerging markets that are also attractively valued, benefiting from an extensive network of country and sector specialists from one of the longest established emerging market teams in the industry.

North American Income Trust (NAIT) aims to invest in US companies that are either producing income today or growing for income tomorrow. Recognised for its capital growth, the North American market also generates over a third of the world’s dividends. The trust’s experienced managers seek out companies that are turning the region’s innovative ethos into real returns for investors.

Strategic Equity Capital (SEC) is a specialist alternative equity trust. Actively managed by Ken Wotton and the Gresham House UK equity team, it maintains a highly-concentrated portfolio of 15-25 high-quality, dynamic, UK smaller companies, each operating in a niche market offering structural growth opportunities.

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