ShareSoc Webinar with Baker Steel Resources Trust (BSRT)

Company: Baker Steel Resources Trust (BSRT)
6th February 2025
Time: 11am
Format: Webinar
Presenters: Trevor Steel (Managing Partner and Fund Manager) and Francis Johnstone (Investment Advisor)

Company Information: Baker Steel Resources Trust (BSRT) is a closed-ended investment company aiming to achieve long-term capital growth through investing in equity, loans and related instruments issued by private natural resources companies. It targets a global, concentrated portfolio of 10–20 investments. BSRT’s objective is to create value through driving the development of investee companies, as well as exploiting market inefficiencies and pricing anomalies.
BSRT is one of three investment strategies managed at Baker Steel, an independently owned investment manager with a specialist team. Baker Steel has extensive experience in the management of funds, investing in the natural resources, gold, and precious metals sectors. The investment team benefits from strong technical backgrounds in geo-sciences, mining, geology, and engineering. You can find out more about Baker Steel via their website.

Speakers’ bios:
Trevor Steel, Managing Partner, and Fund Manager
Trevor is the Managing Partner at Baker Steel, which he co-founded in 2001, and the Fund Manager of the Baker Steel Resources Trust. From 1992 until 2001 Trevor was a senior portfolio manager at Merrill Lynch Investment Management (‘MLIM’, formerly Mercury Asset Management) where he specialised in the natural resources sector and worked alongside David Baker within MLIM’s award-winning natural resources team. Prior to joining the natural resources team, Trevor worked with various teams at MLIM, having joined in 1991. He holds a degree in Geology from the Royal School of Mines, Imperial College, London.

Francis Johnstone, Investment Advisor

Francis is an Investment Advisor to the Baker Steel Resources Trust and is based in London. Having trained in corporate finance and M&A at Citibank Francis entered the mining business in 1989 with Cluff Resources plc and became Group Projects and Operations Manager. Prior to Cluff’s takeover by Ashanti Goldfields in 1996, Francis was a key member of the team who built Freda Rebecca the largest gold mine in Zimbabwe, the Ayanfuri Gold Mine in Ghana and negotiated for and discovered the Geita Gold Mine in Tanzania. In 2003, he joined Ridge Mining plc as Commercial Director, and was an integral member of the team that undertook a feasibility study, financed and developed the Blue Ridge Platinum Mine in South Africa.


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Event Details:
  • Event: ShareSoc Webinar with Baker Steel Resources Trust (BSRT)
  • Date: 06/02/2025
  • Time: Presentation Starts at 11am
  • Location: Webinar
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Event Details:
  • Event ShareSoc Webinar with Baker Steel Resources Trust (BSRT)
  • Date 06/02/2025
  • Time Presentation Starts at 11am
  • Location Webinar
  • Description Presenters: Trevor Steel (Managing Partner and Fund Manager) and Francis Johnstone (Investment Advisor)