ShareSoc Webinar with Lowland Investment Company plc (LWI)
30 Jan 2024

Company: Lowland Investment Company plc (LWI)
30th January 2024
Time: 5pm
Format: Webinar
Presenter: Laura Foll (Portfolio Manager at Janus Henderson Investors)

Company Information: Lowland Investment Company plc (LWI) aims to give shareholders a higher than average return with growth of both capital and income over the medium to long-term, by investing in a broad spread of predominantly UK companies.
Managed by James Henderson and Laura Foll, LWI has an emphasis on two areas; UK small and mid-sized companies, which tend to generate faster earnings growth, are under-researched and offer greater opportunity to unearth value; and large UK companies, which provide reliable dividends.
This philosophy has helped LWI: outperform the FTSE All-Share total return over 25 years; placed it on the AIC’s next generation dividend heroes list, with 14 years of dividend growth; and helped the Trust never cut its dividends, on an annual basis, since foundation in the 1960s.

Presenter/s bios:
Laura Foll, CFA – Portfolio Manager
Laura Foll is a Portfolio Manager on the Global Equity Income Team at Janus Henderson Investors, a position she has held since 2014. Laura joined Henderson in 2009 as part of the graduate scheme. She was subsequently named a global analyst and later an assistant fund manager for the Global Equity Income Team.
Laura graduated with a BSc degree (Hons) in economics and economic history from the London School of Economics. She holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and has 15 years of financial industry experience.


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Event Details:
  • Event: ShareSoc Webinar with Lowland Investment Company plc (LWI) - 30 Jan 2024
  • Date: 30/01/2024
  • Time: Presentation Starts at 5pm
  • Location: Webinar
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Event Details:
  • Event ShareSoc Webinar with Lowland Investment Company plc (LWI) - 30 Jan 2024
  • Date 30/01/2024
  • Time Presentation Starts at 5pm
  • Location Webinar
  • Description Presenters:
    Laura Foll (Portfolio Manager at Janus Henderson Investors)