

A friendly SIGnet group.  We welcome anyone interested in investments regardless of their level of knowledge and experience.


Investors of all levels of experience are welcome to join the Farnham (Surrey) group.  Convened by David Stredder, who will be known to many as the founder of Mello, organiser of in person investment conferences and virtual Mello Mondays. David is also a director at ShareSoc and has been investing in quoted shares since the 1980s, with a focus on UK small caps. He has an extensive knowledge of UK companies and network of contacts in the investing universe.

London Waterloo Fundamentals Group

Discussions cover a broad range of investing subjects which provide the fundamental building blocks of investment without any focus on a particular style. We choose not to discuss technical analysis. Members of this group have been investing for a number of years and therefore have a reasonable level of experience, but we still seek to learn from each other. We limit membership to no more than 12 people to ensure that everyone is able to make a constructive contribution to the meeting. The cost ...


The Worcestershire is open to all SIGnet members who have an interest in profiting from, and developing their stock market experience (other asset classes qualify too!). Novices and Fund Managers are made equally welcome. Meetings consider topical investment issues, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and are intended to provide a forum for the enjoyable sharing of areas of expertise.

West Sussex

The West Sussex SIGnet Group welcomes all investors, Those with limited investment experience will be encouraged to participate in online training courses operated by SIGnet. The group focuses on individual stocks or investment trusts in the UK and US markets and ranging in size from small caps to mega caps. Meetings featuring presentations on spefcific stock ideas and investing styles and themes. Meetings will also review Our "portfolio" performance from the share picking competition, and give members a chance to to ...


A group that welcomes investors with all levels of experience. We aim to provide a friendly north-eastern welcome to anyone that wishes to join, share their knowledge of investing and benefit from others’ knowledge and experience. The group discusses a range of investment related topics.


This is a new SIGnet discussion group meeting on a bi-monthly basis.  As a new group we will evolve to cover the investing topics requested by / of interest to group members.


Open to all investors / people with an interest in investing. Typical meeting will involve members talking about recent purchases, successes, failures and possible future purchases. Also with occasional visiting speakers or members making presentations on a topic of interest.


We hold monthly in-person meetings with possible exceptions in August and December.  Discussions are generally on the topic of investment strategy and potential companies of interest. Each member is expected to make an investment-related presentation approximately once a year.

Midlands (West)

We are a relatively small group, but have a wide range of interests so always start every meeting with a discussion about world issues and the “investing environment” generally. We always discuss individual members market activity and any interesting opportunities on their watchlists. There is currently a lot of expertise in the small cap value area of the market within the group.


This social group welcomes investors of all levels, from beginners to those with extensive portfolios. We focus on sharing investing ideas, analysing market conditions, and invite contributions from all members. Regular guest speakers, company presentations, and the SIGnet competition are featured. Members are encouraged to volunteer presentations on their interests. At each meeting members are asked to share their latest or potential buying and selling activity. Face-to-face meetings include lunch breaks, socialising and drinks afterwards. Most of all we learn from ...

West London

Our group focuses on stock market investing and trading from equities, including shares, ETFs, and Unit Trusts. We normally rotate the meeting chairperson (responsible for creating, with member’s help, suitable agendas) and a meeting presenter (members take it in turns to provide a 15 to 45 minute presentation on a subject of their choice). Regularly discussed topics linclude software, brokers, investing categories, markets and any related topics of interest.