Investor Academy
Whether you’re a novice looking to understand the basics or an experienced investor aiming to refine your strategies, the ShareSoc Investor Academy provides comprehensive resources tailored to meet your needs. Delve into a range of topics from stock market fundamentals to corporate governance and valuing companies, all designed to empower you with the knowledge needed to make investments confidently.

Investment Education
ShareSoc supports and encourages individuals to invest directly in the stock market. We are an independent, not-for-profit organisation, created & managed by individual investors, for investors. Subject to adequate education about stock market investment, the primary benefits of investing directly are:
- Elimination of fees charged by managers of collective investment schemes, which can have a significant impact on your returns. We acknowledge, however, that in some circumstances, collective investment schemes, especially investment trusts, can be a useful component of an individual investor’s portfolio.
- Control over your specific investment decisions, and direct influence, through your voting rights, over the management of the businesses you choose to invest in. Such direct ownership interest, by well-informed investors, should improve business management and is to the benefit of UK Plc.
If you’re new to investing, our Investing Basics series is a great place to start and we highly recommend that all investors familiarise themselves with the content.
You will also find a variety of additional educational content and resources within the ShareSoc Investor Academy. Full members have the added benefit of being able to access exclusive online investor resources as well as discounts on a number of Investor Services.
Some parts of the Investor Academy are under construction at present. Please bear with us whilst we strive to complete these ASAP. Your subscriptions and donations to ShareSoc will help us to increase the resources we have available to develop and maintain our educational offering.

What’s in the Academy…
Start here…
If you’re new to stock market investing, this is the place to start. Even if you’re not a new investor, you may care to look in here, as this part of the Academy contains a wealth of information.
Advanced Topics
Once you’ve mastered the basics, ShareSoc offers further in-depth information on a range of more advanced topics, including nominee accounts and general meeting attendance & voting. Some of this important content is available to full, subscribing, members of ShareSoc only.
Educational Events
ShareSoc organises a number of educational and informative events, which are aimed at helping you to improve your investment performance. We are also happy to highlight quality educational events organised by third parties. Please contact us if you are organising an investment (not trading!) educational event, which you would like us to list.
Recommended Reading List
Much quality material has been published that can help you to learn the basics or improve your investing skills. We provide a categorised bibliography of investing books & e-books that our members have found useful. Please contact us if you would like to suggest any other publications to add to our list.
Educational Videos/Webcasts
A directory of high-quality investor education videos and multimedia content, from various sources.
Book Reviews
A collection of reviews of investment related books, by our members. Reviews are only available to full members of ShareSoc. Go here to become a full member.
Internet Resources for Investors
The Internet has transformed the landscape for individual investors. You can find opinion, facts & figures, and tools to help you find & filter interesting prospective investments. ShareSoc offers an extensive guide to these resources.
There are numerous weekly and monthly periodical publications for investors (both on paper and online) including, of course, ShareSoc’s own Newsletter!
Courses and Tutorials
A catalogue of some of the better courses and tutorials for investors.

Join us
If you find our educational resources of value, please help us to help you by joining ShareSoc, or by making a donation. It does cost us money to construct, maintain & run this website. By becoming a full member of ShareSoc, you will gain access to a wealth of further member-only information, to help you with your investment journey. There are lots of other benefits to joining ShareSoc, including discounts off the events that we and others organise.