General Advice
ShareSoc Advice Services
If you have any questions about the general process of investment, about the legal, regulatory or taxation aspects, about where to get more advice on topical issues related to stock market companies, or other investment questions of a more general nature, then please check out our Investing Basics series in the first instance. If you are a full member, you can also go to our Contact page to request assistance. If we cannot help directly, we may well be able to tell you where you can get further assistance. But note that we cannot provide individual investment advice because apart from the fact we don’t know your personal circumstances, we are legally barred from doing so. Neither can we give you specific advice if you are involved in a legal dispute with a company or a third party. Please refer to our Legal page for the limitations of what we can do for members or non- members. Please note also that, due to the demand on our limited resources, we can only offer our full service to full members of ShareSoc. Click here to find out how to join and all the benefits of full membership.
Unbiased Advice
One thing you can be assured of is that any information supplied by ShareSoc will be unbiased. There is lots of free “advice” available in the financial sector but much of it is produced by people who want you to use their services or are promoting particular investments. The best value investments are often little promoted because they don’t carry the cost of this active marketing.

We’re here to help!