
Sharesoc Investing Basics
Learn Investing basics with our 10 easy 10-minute videos.
Throughout the free investing course you’ll learn the principles of stock markets, how investing works and when to buy or sell, to the various routes into share ownership and the best ways to research potential investments.

Who Is The Investment Course For?
Have you got a workplace pension or an investment ISA that you don’t really understand? Perhaps you’ve decided to figure out how investing works, finally dug out a book or search the internet – and lost the will to live within three seconds? Or maybe you’re an established investor wondering how you’re ever going to get that ‘boring but important’ investment message across to your laid back family?
If any of those stories sound familiar, then Investing Basics could be the investing course you need to unlock that key piece of information holding you back.
Episode 1: What even is the stock market and why should I care?
Episode 2: How your investment grows over the long term, and why it makes sense to shelter it from tax.
Episode 3: The trade-offs between investment risks and rewards, and why you need to know how a company works.
Episode 4: An introductory look at how you can understand a company’s potential risk and returns.
Episode 5: Funds, investment trusts and if ETFs are a less risky route.
Episode 6: Should you bother trying to time your investing?
Episode 7: The importance of monitoring your investments.
Episode 8: Investment platforms and what to look for.
Episode 9: Which information sources can help you.
Episode 10: A reminder of the key lessons
Revisit the Investing Course
We’ve split the Investing course into short 10 minute videos to help you process all the information. If you’ve reached this far and want to revisit this free investment course later, then you can bookmark the page, sign up to the YouTube playlist, or we can email the Investing video tutorials to you.
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What Next?
Head to our Investor Academy for further topics, events, reading lists and tutorials after watching our free investor basics videos. Learn about more in depth issues and opportunities, covered in our advanced topics.
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Our work has support from our Investing Basics’ Sponsors and Partners, to help us teach more of the public how to invest through our series of investing video tutorial videos.
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