There are numerous regular publications which are of interest to investors. Most are available in both paper and electronic form. We catalogue a number of them here. Many of these periodicals include investment ideas (and some contain “buy” and “sell” recommendations). Such ideas should always be taken with a pinch of salt and you should do your own research. You are not likely to make money if you simply “follow the herd” (as the price you pay or obtain may already reflect knowledge that is in the public domain)! Clicking on the logos will take you to the publications’ websites.
Please contact us or use the “Feedback” tab at the bottom of the screen if you think there are any other periodicals we should add to this catalogue.
The Financial Times (FT) is the best known daily publication, with a focus on matters of interest to investors, as well as general national and international news and comment. Some investors find it a “must read” to stay informed about the background economic and political climate that will influence their investments.
Shares Magazine is a weekly publication, packed with investment ideas and commentary. It is available free to clients of stockbroker AJ Bell, who now own this publication.