Leader ITV Offers Access to All Investors on Results Call

Kudos to ITV plc for making this morning’s results call fully accessible to all investors.

They did this by 1) making their results presentation available on their website; 2) offering a Zoom webinar at 9am to all investors in which participants could ask questions live, orally. I didn’t try to ask any questions myself so cannot confirm whether individual investors questions would have been taken in the same manner as the many analyst questions. Everyone was able to use the Zoom “raise hand” feature to ask questions live of the CEO and FD (using video as well as audio).

Other companies of all sizes should follow this example.

DISCLOSURE: the author holds shares in ITV

Mark Bentley, Director, ShareSoc

One comment
  1. David Harris says:

    How things have moved on in recent times; Zoom AGM’s seem to be common events nowadays…!

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