Leader Somero AGM: A Good Attempt

I would like to commend Somero (AIM:SOM) for making a good attempt to engage with investors at the their AGM, despite Covid-19 restrictions. Their approach contrasts with that of many companies that have ducked the issue and simply closed their AGM to shareholders.

Ahead of their AGM today, Somero announced web and telephone access for their AGM, which I have just participated in. The web link allowed audio access and gave shareholders the ability to ask questions. The technology worked well and several shareholders and I were able to pose written questions in real time, which were read out by directors and answered.

This process was not perfect: voting had to be by proxy submitted in advance and the Q&A took place after the votes were held. Nevertheless, Somero’s offering was a good attempt and much better than that of many other companies.

The technology used is well established, effective and inexpensive. Companies have no excuse for not offering at least this level of access to their AGMs.

Well done to Somero for engaging properly with their shareholder base.

Mark Bentley, Director, ShareSoc

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