Full Membership

Full membership of ShareSoc costs £60.50 p.a. and entitles you to the following benefits:

  • Supporting ShareSoc’s campaigning and lobbying activities on behalf of individual shareholders
  • Quarterly ShareSoc Informer Magazine
  • Access to all ShareSoc events, including exclusive premium webinars, in-person seminars and all recordings
  • Access to Company information, including AGM Voting Guidance for FTSE 30 companies
  • Discounts with numerous 3rd parties
  • Discounted membership of SIGnet
  • Voting rights at ShareSoc AGMs

Register now by completing the form below:

All new Membership registrations will be acknowledged via email.  Please note that this can take up to 3 working days.

A telephone number is only requested in case of query. It can be omitted if preferred. Refer to our Legal page if you wish to read our privacy policy and the detailed terms and conditions that apply to membership.