Subscription Renewal

Please use this page to renew an existing ShareSoc or SIGnet Membership.  Please apply here for SIGnet membership if you are not already a SIGnet member.

The fee for ShareSoc Full Membership is only £60.50 per annum, SIGnet membership is £50 p.a. and membership of both costs £93 p.a., saving you £17.50 compared to subscribing individually.

The simplest way to pay is by completing the form below and clicking on the “Submit” button. You will then be asked to submit credit or debit card details by the secure Stripe payment system which processes the payment and will automatically set up an annual subscription.

Please note that your subscription can be cancelled at any time simply by contacting us.

If you would prefer to renew by bank transfer, please contact our office.

For more information on the benefits of Membership, go to this page: Membership