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Duty of Care or Fiduciary Duty to Investors?

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have published two papers on their approach to consumers (i.e. retail savers/investors in their terminology). These cover whether a new “Duty of Care”, or...

Gavin Darby dodges a bullet at Premier Foods AGM

At the Premier Foods AGM the CEO Gavin Darby survived the "decapitation" attempt with 59% of the votes for his re-election vs 41% against. But its clear that the activist Oasis is not going away any time soon and so the debate about accelerating the reduction of debt with a chosen divestment or two rumbles on. The board are making conciliatory noises and continue to talk to those who attempted the decapitation: "Over recent weeks we have had discussions with a substantial ...

Who Owns IQE? Nominees And Shareholder Rights. IQE Short update

IQE is one of the most shorted shares on the stock market, so it is quite important to know who owns the shares and who is short. However, individual shareholders' rights are lost via the nominee system. IQE reporting is an example. Hargreaves Lansdown, Interactive Investor and Barclays own 6.5%, 4% and 4% respectively of IQE (i.e. 15% in total), according to Cannacord Genuity, who provide the data for the IQE annual report, which states: Substantial interests in shares As at 28 February ...

UK Corporate Governance Code and new Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018

On July 16th, 2018 the FRC published its latest revision of the UK Corporate Governance Code, which is in my view shorter, simpler and better. The code can be read here: A summary of the main changes is here The FRC have also published a report on their consultation about the Code which explains the changes and the arguments for and against specific changes The changes to the Code complement the changes announced by Government in June 2018 to the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) ...

Investment Platforms Market Study

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) have just published an interim report on their study of “investment platforms”. It makes for very interesting reading. That is particularly so after the revelations from Hardman last week. They reported that the revenue per assets held on the platform from Hargreaves Lansdown (HL) was more than twice that of soon to be listed AJ Bell Youinvest. HL is the gorilla in the direct to consumer platform market with about 40% market share. HL earns £473 ...