
Latest Blogs

Foresight 4 VCT Update

ShareSoc wrote to shareholders in Foresight 4 VCT (FTF) in advance of the AGM on the 30th September. We suggested shareholders vote against the re-election of the directors. For...

ShareSoc Events – Altrincham, Richmond and Brighton

This is a final reminder that we have a company seminar in Altrincham (near Manchester) next week (Tuesday the 27th September) with four interesting smaller companies presenting. These are:...

Autumn Mists, and Profit Warnings

Autumn, the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness to quote Keats, or in the case of small cap stocks the season for profit warnings it seems. As many companies have a December year end, this is the time of year when management come to realise that given the first half figures and current trading, they are not going to meet the optimistic plans they gave out at the start of the year. Here's just a few that have issued warnings or where ...

Corporate Governance Inquiry Launched in Parliament

The BIS Select Committee of MPs has launched an inquiry into corporate governance focussing on executive pay, directors duties, and the composition of boardrooms. That includes worker representation and gender balance in executive positions. It has been prompted by the recent comments from the Prime Minister and the Committees recent inquiries into BHS and Sports Direct where major failings were revealed in the way those businesses were run. The terms of reference for this inquiry are very broad - see this web ...

Have you been scammed by AIM?

One of ShareSoc’s primary objectives is to protect the interests of individual shareholders. Sadly, many investors have lost significant sums through outright fraud, misrepresentation or market abuse occurring amongst...