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Berkeley Results, Pay, Brexit and AIM

We are now definitely in the usual summer doldrums in the market, compounded by the uncertainty over Brexit. It is obvious that private investors have been taking their money...

Final Call for London Seminar and Other ShareSoc Events

Company Seminar in London on the 22nd June Next Wednesday we have another of our seminars in the City of London at the offices of Finncap commencing at 4.30 pm. The companies presenting are: - Defenx (DFX) - Security software solutions which is certainly a hot area for investment at present. - AEW UK REIT (AEWU) - An interesting closed end commercial property fund. - Private & Commercial Finance (PCF) - consumer and business finance. Roger Lawson will also be talking about the ShareSoc campaign ...

BSD Crown EGM Requisition

BSD Crown Ltd (BSD) is an Israeli company which has been listed in London for a number of years and has a substantial number of retail shareholders. It was originally a technology business under the names Geo Interactive and Emblaze but in May 2014 it acquired Willi-Food Investments and became primarily a food importing company. On the 9th May 2016, investor Y.W. Management requested the Board of Directors of BSD Crown to convene a General Meeting of shareholders for the purpose of ...

AIM Campaign Comments

RBS and Pre-Packs

The FT carried a story on Saturday (11/6/2016) which was a blast from the past. It reported that Neil Mitchell, a former CEO of Torex Retail, had filed a claim in the high court against Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Cerberus and KPMG in relation to the sale of the company at the time it went into Administration. This case goes back to 2007 when Torex Retail got into financial difficulties after some fraudulent accounting came to light (which resulted in subsequent ...