
Latest Blogs

FCA Criticised in Parliament

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has been severely criticised today (27/3/2015) in a report issued by the Treasury Select Committee. Here are a few things they say in their overall conclusions about the events surrounding the press briefing on the Government's planned review of the life insurance market, which caused share prices in some companies to drop sharply. "The events of 27 and 28 March.....revealed multiple flaws in the FCA's processes and practices. These failings went right to the top of the ...

April 2015 Investor Masterclass – Don’t miss it!

In the light of the popularity of ShareSoc's Investor Masterclass series, we are pleased to announce the next Masterclass, to take place from 3:30pm to 6:30pm on the 23rd April. It forms part of the two-day Mello Workshops investor education event, being held in Peterborough (only 45 minutes from London). Our Masterclasses are designed to offer an entertaining and educational experience for investors. Our panel comprises: David Stredder, Paul Scott, Ed Croft of Stockopedia and one other to be announced. You will find ...

Alliance Trust – ShareSoc Press Release

ShareSoc has issued the following press release after talking to both representatives of Alliance Trust and Elliott Advisors. If you have any views on this matter please let us know, and we would particularly like to hear from any holders of Alliance Trust shares (for publication or privately if you prefer). This is one company where private shareholders are in the majority but it will be interesting to see how many can and do vote. It may prove an interesting example of how ...

The Chancellors Budget – Gin and Tonics All Round!

For private investors the Chancellor's Budget is mostly good, and we can all drink his health in spirits on which the tax is cut. The other good news is as follows: - The personal allowance will rise to £11,000 over two years from which all taxpayers will benefit and the threshold for higher rate income tax will also rise. - There will be a new flexible ISA where you can take money out and then put it back in within the same tax ...

Active Management and Collective Action

An article in yesterday's FT (16/3/2015) on active investment management, versus passive, by Sophia Grene prompted some thoughts on the topic of "public goods". Passive management is where a manager is simply tracking an index whereas active managers are actually making their own investment decisions. Active management typically costs more to the investor, on the premise that more work is required to be put in by the manager, but they argue that it is justified because they can outperform the market. ...