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HSS Hire and other IPOs

I am sometimes accused by my wife and colleagues of being a "wet blanket". In other words immune to the excitement of new ventures or ideas. But when it comes to IPOs that's probably the right frame of mind to have. I shall proceed to throw some cold water over the IPO of HSS Hire which is listing in early February if all goes according to plan - the prospectus for which is now available. Academics Elroy Dimson and Paul Marsh have recently ...

Monitise crashes to earth

Monitise made an announcement yesterday (22/1/2015) that prompted the share price to crash. It's 14p at the time of writing when it had been over 60p earlier in the year, and had been declining steadily over recent months. Questor in the Daily Telegraph said on the following morning that "A buyer may come out of the woodwork but we recommend taking what you can - Sell". One cannot be blunter than that. The company announcement indicated that revenue growth will be flat ...

Corporate Governance at Quindell, and news on Aero Inventory

I won't even attempt to discuss the past history of events at Quindell in this article. But recent ones suggest that it is likely to remain a controversial company. After the departure of founder and former Executive Chairman Rob Terry, Richard Rose has been appointed as Chairman and Jim Sutcliffe has been appointed as Deputy Chairman and Strategy Director. Shareholders no doubt welcomed these experienced hands to take charge of this company after past events. But there are a couple of problems ...

Forex trading and the Swiss Franc

The abrupt change of policy by Swiss authorities to relax the limit on the value of the Swiss Franc against the Euro has caused substantial chaos in foreign currency markets. Alpari, one of the leading forex trading platforms in the UK, has gone into administration and others such as Saxo Bank admitted they would incur losses as a result. In the case of UK listed company IG Group it had some impact on their share price and they had to say ...

Pensioner Bonds on Sale

The new bonds available from National Savings & Investments (NS&I) went on sale today (15/1/2015). Technically called "65+ Guaranteed Growth Bonds", they have been dubbed "Pensioner Bonds" by the media. You need to be 65 years of age or older to purchase these bonds but they do offer a very attractive interest rate in comparison with current bank deposit rates. Interest is either 2.8% per annum for a one year bond, or 4% for a three year bond. The maximum that ...