
Latest Blogs

Directors’ Share Purchases at Chrysalis VCT

Would you be happy if you saw that the directors of a listed company had apparently purchased shares at an advantageous price? In other words had purchased shares in the market  at a price that was not available to anyone else? On Thursday the 17th April, I chose to purchase 3,000 shares in Chrysalis VCT. This followed an announcement by the company on the 14th April that the company had achieved two successful exits from portfolio companies which had increased the company's ...

Remuneration at Barclays and Persimmon

Barclays Bank Annual General Meeting is due next week on the 24th April. Pay of bankers is always controversial and Barclays is no exception. Pay has been going up but performance has gone down, and a rights issue is required to strengthen the company's balance sheet. The CEO, Antony Jenkins, has waived his bonus for last year, but that has not placated investors. The bonus pool has been increased and "Role Based Pay" introduced to avoid restrictions imposed by the new ...

Oxford Technology VCTs and Baronsmead VCT 3

ShareSoc has organised a meeting for those investors in the two Oxford Technology VCTs who are affected by the withdrawal of VCT status. It is scheduled for the 20th May in the City of London. Although the companies have submitted an appeal letter to HMRC, there is some doubt as to whether the appeal will be successful. See this web page for more details of the issues, and how to register for the meeting if you wish to attend: The ...

BP Annual General Meeting Report

With the AGM season now in full swing, it's worth pointing out that ShareSoc makes available many useful reports on such meetings. These are available to all ShareSoc subscribing members in an archive here. Below is an abbreviated sample of one by ShareSoc Chairman Stan Grierson on last weeks meeting of BP. THE BP AGM 2014 As always BP’s AGM is both the first and one of the biggest of the season, and took place at the ExCel Centre on Thursday 10th April. ...

Are you a speculator or investor?

There was a very interesting article in a recent edition of Investors Chronicle. Stephen Wilmot reported the views of Interactive Investors, one of the major execution-only brokers, on their client profiles. They apparently classify half their clients as "traders" (i.e. speculators) or investors. In the former, half of those only buy or sell one stock which are companies such as Blinkx (now where have we heard that name before), Gulf Keystone, Quindell or Xcite Energy, with the rest speculating on small ...