
Latest Blogs

The Death of KIDs

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. HM Treasury have announced plans to revoke the PRIIPs regulations which will likely mean the death of KIDs (Key Information Documents). KIDs are imposed and regulated under the PRIIPs regulation as devised by the EU for packaged investment products, such as funds and trusts. KIDs give basic financial information, risk indicators and likely future performance based on past performance. Those who purchase investment trusts, for example, ...

VCT Investor Workshop Report

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Today (1st December) I attended a VCT Investor Workshop on-line run by the British Smaller Companies VCTs (BSV and BSC). These are two of the better performing generalist VCTs managed by YFM. It was a disappointing event. There were presentations from investee companies Unbiased and SharpCloud which gave a general overview of the businesses but no financial information – such as sales, profits and what the ...

Results from Intercede and Telecom Plus

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Two more sets of results from companies I hold in my portfolio came out on 23/11/2022. Recession? What recession? Telecom Plus (TEP) reported revenue up by 51.5% and adjusted profit up by 22.5% with dividends up to match in its interim results. Reading this company’s results helps you understand the impact of the energy crisis on household bills and the impact of government interventions to cap ...

Webinars Galore – Intercede + AB Dynamics + Augmentum

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. I seem to be filling my days with webinars of late. Two today and one yesterday, partly because this is the season for half-year results announcements. I’ll cover the recent ones – all on the Investor Meet Company platform, but I’ll only give you some general impressions and highlight particular points as you can watch recordings of them for the detail: Intercede (IGP). Positive results and the ...

Market Trends, WeWork, Cryptocurrencies, Passive Saturation

The views expressed in this article are those of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc. Note that it was written on 14th November, before the Chancellor's autumn statement. Last week was a remarkable one for my stock market portfolio. Share prices were up on almost all my holdings. This was no doubt sparked by good news; inflation seems to be under control in the USA with CPI falling to 7.7% and the war in Ukraine is looking up as Russia ...