Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

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June 2014

Saga IPO Postscript, Oxford Technology VCTs, ASOS, AstraZeneca & Pfizer, Silverdell, Carpetright, Blur Group, Remuneration at Kentz and Hiscox, Gulf Keystone, SSR Results, Selftrade, Directors Buying at Chrysalis VCT, New ShareSoc Director, Delays in Transfers, Hartman Capital, Portfolio Trends, Wider Share Ownership, Crawshaw Profile, Prospects for Israeli Companies

May 2014

AstraZeneca Offer, Quindell and How to Avoid the Shorters, Company Refs Offer, Pay at Barclays, Oxford Technology VCTs, Selftrade Annoys its Customers, Delays in SIPP and ISA Transfers, FT Letter on Dematerialisation, Changes to Company Regulations, Do Shareholders Own Companies?, Baronsmead VCT 3, Directors Share Buying at Chrysalis VCT, ShareSoc/Hardman Seminar in Leeds, BP AGM Report, Moneysupermarket.com AGM Report, Revamped Newsletter, New AGM Reports

April 2014

AMEC and Remuneration, Kentz Changes Pay Stance, Shareholder Activism wins at Leaf Clean Energy, London Value Investor Conference, Blinkx rebuts allegations, Good news on Amati VCTs and the future of Rensburg AIM VCT, Oxford Technology VCYs lose VCT status, A successful investment story, SSE, Centrica and Energy Market Probe, ShareSoc Company Seminar, The Budget in Depth, New Chairman for ShareSoc, ShareSoc/Hardman Leeds Investor Forum, Company Seminar Report, Charles Stanley and Stockbroker Fees, Are you a Speculator or Investor?, RM Plc AGM ...

March 2014

Barclays Bank and Rolls-Royce results, EGM requisition at Leaf Clean Energy, ShareScope special offer, Royal Bank of Scotland, Essar Energy and Camkids, Blinkx, Company Seminar, Financial repression to continue, Stop losses and shorting, RM share consolidation, Remuneration Policies - Baronsmead VCT 3 and EasyJet, Analysts forecasts and Persimmon, Company Seminar Report - NewRiver Retail, Ilika, DotDigital and IS Solutions, Crowdfunding rules confirmed, Scottish Mortgage Trust reduces fees

February 2014

Blinkx - More Market Abuse?, Albemarle & Bond, UKValueInvestor Special Offer, Silverdell Meeting Report, Investors Chornicle Tips, Fundsmith Progress, AIM is no longer a dog, EuroFinUse adopts Manifesto, Response to Fiducuary Duties Consultation, Member Survey Results, Investment Trust Discounts, Who Runs Investment Trusts?, Inflation Down?, Hargreaves Lansdown's revised charges, How to Avoid the Duds, Hargreaves Lansdown Company Review, Retail Sector Review, British Smaller Companies whitewash
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