Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

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August 2013

Source Bioscience & Vindon, Esure and IPOs, SocialGO gives up, AIM delistings and Avia Health Informatics, BAE Interims, Silverdell, Hibu Shareholder Action Group, Renishaw - no more chats with the CEO, Elementis and Gulf Keystone board changes, City of London Investment Trust removes performance fee, Votes against holding meetings at short notice, ISA statistics, AIM shares in ISAs, Consultation on VCT buy-backs, ShareSoc AGM report, Members Meeting in Stokenchurch, Invensys and long term holders, Share scheme adjustments, Shining a torch into the ...

July 2013

HiWave (NXT), Dick Olver knighthood, Rewards for failure - BAE Systems and Babcock, Voting Recommendations - Rensburg AIM VCT and Intercede, Performance fees at VCTs - Maven VCTs and British Smaller Companies, Nothern Venture Trust performance fee, AIM shares in ISAs, Tax evasion and a register of beneficial owners, Gold and gold miners, PIBS holders to take a haircut again at the Co-op (Britannia)?, Tesco AGM report, Rating Agencies, Criminal liability of directors for reckless behaviour?, Book review - Simple But Not Easy, Silverdell and ...

June 2013

BAE Systems and Questions at AGMs, RBS Public Offer to be a CFD?, Cosalt, Colombian Mineral Resources, Where there's muck...., Rightmove and Smart TVs, Pay romps ahead, You may be forced to stay off the booze, Presentations at AGMs, Presenting results - Blinkx, Investment trust income distributions - HgCapital, Quadratic vote buying, PV Crystalox Solar AGM, SME Access to Capital, ICAEW Paper, Greggs company review, Investing in Loans, MyShares UK App

May 2013

Scottish Oriental Smaller Cos Trust, Graphite Enterprise Trust, Tesco results, VSA Capital Group delisting, Healthcare Locums, Turbotec delisting, Is AIM dead?, AIM shares in ISAs, BAE Systems AGM Report, London Capital Group AGM, Delcam AGM, Technology Company Seminar, Are you a shareholder?, Charges can wipe out your gains, How to select stocks, Excessive intermediation, Investment for the family, Web site changes, An invite to influence company information supply, New AGM reports

April 2013

BAE AGM, HBOS, RBS Legal Action, Bankers Pay, Barclays business practices, Petropavlovsk dividend, Turbotec delisting, Audit market, AIM Companies in ISAs, The Budget, ShareSoc Technology Seminar - Dotdigital, Deltex Medical and Escher, Shell AGM, Medallion Guarantees, Are index funds killing the market?, Revitalising AGMs, Elementis and Voting at AGMs, Government to Review Pre-packs, High yielding VCTs - Baronsmead VCT3, VCT5 and Chrysalis VCT, New AGM Reports
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