Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

To receive our monthly newsletters, join ShareSoc!

May 2012

Graphite Enterprise, West Brom B.S., Globo, Lees Foods, All Leisure, Edinburgh US Tracker, Faroe Petroleum, Media Corporation, Plus Markets to close, ShareSoc Members Meeting, Chris Boxall, Private Investor Network, Campaign on High Pay, Consultations, SERPS. Dividends Keep You Anchored, Voting at General Meetings, Share Consolidations, Ideagen Profile, Comparative Pay at Intercede and UK Software Companies, Pay Peanuts - Get Rich, AGM Reports: Barclays, Blackrock World Mining, Aviva, Petrofac, Book Review- The Long and Short of It, Sharecast and Digital Look

April 2012

Graphite Enterprise, Dunedin Enterprise, 3i, Alliance Trust, Lees Foods, Barclays AGM, Worldspreads, Kay Review, Executive Remuneration, Institutions Get Tough on Pay, Barclays, RBS, HBOS/Lloyds, EuroFinuse Meeting Report, Cap on Banker's Bonuses?, ShareSoc Membership Structure, Revised Web Pages, Events, Software Radio Profit Warning, Summit Placing, Intercede, Market Abuse, Globo Company Review, The Good, Bad and Ugly, Chancellor's Budget Report, Did Auditors Break the Law?, RM AGM Report, Book Reviews, Stockopedia Pro Review.

March 2012

RM Plc, Healthcare Locums, Cosalt Delisting Defeated, Pan African Resources, Norseman Gold, Lo-Q, RBS and Lloyds Results, Framlington AIM VCT, Monitise Results, ShareSoc Membership Structure, Tax Year End Looms, The AIM Market, How to Improve AIM, Kay Review,  Voting at General Meetings, Nominee Accounts, Media Corporation and Brewin Dolphin AGMs, Artisan Deslisting, Twitter News Feed.

February 2012

Pan African Resources, World Energy, Toledo Mining, Globo and Sanderson Group, Shareholder Action Groups for RNS, Lloyds and Bradford & Bingley, Software Radio Technology, Rensburg AIM VCT, Negative Interest Rates, How to Set Fund Management Fees, Downing Income VCT3 and Baronsmead VCT AGMs, Pre-Pack Administrations, ShareSoc Branches, Volunteering Opportunities, The Pay of Directors and Executives Under Challenge, Visit to Selftrade, Are There Market Inefficiencies and Can You Exploit Them?, Smiths News, Book Review: A Random Walk Down Wall Street, Magazine and ...

January 2012

Royal Bank of Scotland - FSA Report, Blackrock World Mining and City of London Investment Group, Greek Investments, Rensburg AIM VCT, Smiths News, RBS and Bonus Cultures, Fund Management Charges, Northern Venture Trust, MF-Global, Seymour Pierce Fined and AIM Regulation, IndigoVision, Aminex, Fundamental Analysis - New Spreadsheet, Writing an AGM Report, Investing in Private Companies, Conygar AGM Report and Analysis, Interesting Financial Facts, Book Review
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