Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

To receive our monthly newsletters, join ShareSoc!

December 2011

Intercede and Dunelm, MF Global and Patsystems, Bristol & West PIBS (Bank of Ireland) - War Declared, World Energy, Kiva - Microfinance at Work, Camco and IDOX, Pay at Camco and IDOX, World Federation of Investors Corporation Meeting, Evaluating Basic Company Information (Fundamentals), Farepak Administration, Tobin Taxes, A Post Mortem on the Banking Crisis, The Future of Narrative Reporting, High Pay Commission Report, Improving Shareholder Democracy and AGMs, Nick Clegg Gets Tough on Pay, Conygar Investment Company, Book Review - the Search for Income, ...

November 2011

Dunedin Enterprise, Media Corp, Group NBT, IBM, Northern Rock Sale, Bradford & Bingley and Accounting Standards, Rampant Directors Pay, Diageo, Reckitt Benckiser, Forced Purchases of Shares, Olympus, Royal Bank of Scotland, Tips for Using the Members Network, Hidden Fund Costs, Betting Against Disaster, Share Buy-Backs, The Problems of AIM, Asterand and Avia Health, Kay Review, Pay at Diageo, Executive Remuneration, Book Review, Pan African Resources, Abcam, Spurs, Millwall, Nighthawk, Members Meeting Report and Visit to Sweden

October 2011

Artemis VCT, Just Car Clinics, Media Corporation, Alexon, Alliance Trust, Healthcare Locums, Sharemark Service, Consultations Galore, Share Buy-Backs, Stock Lending, LinkedIn and Facebook, Shareholder Committees, Book Review - Alistair Darling's Memoir, Intercede AGM Report, Want to Buy a Piece of History?, AIM Petition, It's a Small World (for Networkers), Shareholder Committees E-Petition

September 2011

Kings Arms Yard VCTs, Healthcare Locums, Parseq, Quintain, Betfair, Intercede, Easyjet, ICB Report, City of London Investment Group, Barry Olliff's Comments on Investment Trusts, Short Selling and Stock Lending, Shareholder Action Group - Running a Group, Trail Commission, How is the Real World?, Questions..., Book Review - The UK Trader's Bible, Members' Meeting, Rensburg AIM VCT, Churchill China, Nominee Accounts E-Petition

August 2011

AGMs, HBOS/Lloyds RBS & B&B, Northern Rock, Bglobal and Carpetright, 3i Group, Fund Fees, Tender offers and Pooled Nominee Accounts, Trading Turmoil Failures, Junior ISAs, Bamboo Bonds, Foresight VCTs, Shareholder Action Groups, Women on Boards, Book Review - Keep Calm and Carry On, Share Buy-Backs and Halfords, Fund Rebates and the RDR, Software Radio Technology, Paper Annual Reports.
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